3 Zoas-2 Happy, 1 Not


Calvin for President
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I have 3 zoa frags. 2 are doing great. 1 is not, and hasnt since day one. They are all within ~4" of each other.

Water parameters today and has been stable at these levels for more than the past week:

Alk 10 dkh
Cal 440ppm
Mag 1400ppm
Ph 8.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrate ~2 (crappy api test kit, but no algae growth)
Nitrite 0
Phophates .08

No predators that i have seen day or night.


I apologize I am having a hard time getting a good picture on the zoa that isnt doing well.


Here as picture when they were first put in.


It will open, but never fully. I have never seen the skirt on these.
have you tried shading them? They might be in MH shock if they came from a tank with PC or similar low lighting
I have tried shaded for a week. I am using LEDs, I did acclimate them low and try medium and then even high. Now they are back low. That was all over a month and a halfish.
Very hard to tell by the picture, but I think it's kinda melting.
Lugol's solution dip just to make sure:
I would do first a 3-5 drops per 8-10 oz of tank water for 3 min dip.

I have a tendancy to "help them to death".

Pick a spot that is not extream in any aspect... FLOW, shade, light and then leave them alone!

I struggle to follow this myself and have helped a few new frags to waste away to nothing. a few frags i have left alone have started to come back for me. Picky little boogers they are!
thanks grandis. are there any visible signs of melting that i can look for? im not seeing any flaking or pieces floating off.

Second picture looks like...
When they melt, they literally disappear little by little. No flakes nor pieces around.
If they're melting you need to treat ASAP!!
Some times they take less than 24 hours to be gone and other times they last a week or so, depends.

I would dip as I've posted before and go from there.
Good luck!
