30 Gal Scorp Tank

Ok, please bear with me because this is probably going to be a long post and I will probably ask some pretty stupid questions. First, the tank is a standard 30 gal (30 x 12 x 18), and I want scorps. I have been looking at Lionfish Lair, and have seen that certain stingfish, scorpionfish, a good amount of dwarf lionfish, and all waspfish listed would work. Any other species that would work in this size tank? I want to go with a minimalist scape (with lots of caves and overhangs), and a 2-3 inch sandbed. I am going to go with heavy HOB filtration, and maybe an HOB skimmer. Water changes will be 25% every 1 - 2 weeks. This tank build will be later in the year due to working on my 125 gal African cichlid tank. So my main questions are:

Would I be better off with a minimalist scape, or should I go with great amount of rock?

Is there a way I could keep a toby puffer with these guys?

Is a 2 - 3 in sandbed deep enough, or should I go deeper? ( I have seen that some like to bury themselves)

If this was your tank, what would your ideal stocking for this tank be? I was thinking 4-5 fish, is this too much?

Thanks for your help!
in nature they gather around rocky reefs so I would think a decent amount of rocks but still they do like to swim so there is a fine line. Scorpion fish are cool! i work on a fishing boat and were catching sculpin! or california scorpion fish, some come up bright red and small i've always wanted to keep one. I know theyre super hardy. We've had them out of the water for 3 hours and they flop around when we fillet them!
Thanks for the response!

How does this stock sound?

1 x Blue Spotted Puffer or Valentini
1 x Dendrochirus biocellatus Lionfish
1 x Dwarf Fuzzy Lionfish
1 x Wispy Waspfish
1 x Leaf or Humpback Scorpion

Also considering a frogfish or angler. Thinking I am going to go with 20 pounds of rock.