300 gal coolfish sps tank from china

Re: Beautiful tank

Re: Beautiful tank

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13074674#post13074674 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefslugs
You have one beautiful tank. As far as filtration, your only using two skimmers? No refugium, no deep sand bed. So running the two skimmers keeps your nitrates down, with having 33 fish. Also I can't believe you have two powder blue tangs in the same tank. That's awesome! I just upgraded to a 200g tank and I'm researching what I should do for filtration. It's nice to see what people on the other side of the world are doing.

thank you. I just use one skimmer(bm 250s) now.No refugium ,no deep sand bed,In china we consider no sand bed can keep nitrates in a very low level easy.Now I have 36 fishes in my tank.
The key is have a good skimmer and good stream in my tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13076305#post13076305 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pipper
What kind of camera are you using? attachments? model?

Sweet tank Dude!!

I used NIKON D300+AF-S MICRO 105MM 1:2.8 and Cannon G9 camera for taking my tank shot.
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Great picture.. inspiring rock work.

By the way you should change your signature to "Awesome SPS dominated reef tank" calling that work of art a "FOWLR" tank is selling it way short.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13173500#post13173500 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thirschmann
Great picture.. inspiring rock work.

By the way you should change your signature to "Awesome SPS dominated reef tank" calling that work of art a "FOWLR" tank is selling it way short.

haha£¬thank you . my signature means I have a fish only tank I love the most in my hometown.There are many angel fishes in it.









lately,I try to add a wizardly additive named zeovit Pohl's Xtra
,I found it is benifit the blue colour of the sps .
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Wow...absolutely beautiful. I appreciate the time, thought, and effort you put into the setup. Kudos to you!!!!
Your'e main display is very impressive as are the frag tanks in the kitchen.
I really like those pink ricordia, i can not find them in the US. All around a very nice build...