300 gal starphire started

i posted max wattage, depending upon where you are on the pump curve and head height, you will get different results. i guess you on the good side, kudos! where did you get you killawatt from?
I got it (Killowatt meter) from ebay. Wow has it enlightned me to where all the elec is being used. With over 1000 watts of heaters running constantly I decided to insulate the outside of my sumps and now the heaters barely run. That will save a bundle!

I am going to try to t off my main return line and run my MR2 with the extra flow. That will also save me running the Mag in the sump that eats more electricity than the Barracuda.


How much lift (total head) is your Baracuda pushing?

I have one I am considering using for a return as well.

Glad to see water & fish in that tank BTW!
About 10" and I still have way more power than I need. I am pretty impressed with how easy it runs and all the extra flow. I am about 3/4 open on the valve and at all the way open it churns the water like a tidal wave. and still only 230 watts

thats really good, and because of the investment in the bigger pump, if you go bigger (who wouldnt) then all you have to do is open that puppy up!
I've got question, or maybe something doesn't sound right. Below is the barracuda flow chart. If you are only using 230w then your flow must be around only 200 gph and you are realizing about 15' of head pressure. I'd really question that kilowatt meter you got. I know not all are created equal. Back in my early EE days I remember hearing something about real and capactive loading and how they are not always the same when dealing with inductive loads such as pump coils. I'd just dig a little deeper here. Either I reading the chart wrong, or the chart is wrong, or there is an issue with the meter. HTH,


I just did a little asking around here where I work and got refresher on power. As I though, most of the inexpensive kilowatt meters (which you may have) only measures "resistive" loads. Which depending on the device being measured can be 100% accurate OR a lot less then the true measure of power used. The whole subject get can confusing if you not confortable with the math and details. But needless to say the electric company does not charge you by the resistive calculations. Devices such as pumps that have large coils in them are described as inductive loads and will cause the voltage and current waves to move out of phase from each other which throws off these meters. Most accurate way to make a measurement is to look at both of these curves on a scope and calculate the vectored load. And there are also automated power vector meters. But in the end these are expensisive. So I would probably trust the manufactures chart the most. In that case if you say you are experiencing about 10' of head then your flow most likely will be about 2700gph which sounds accurate to your description. And your power will be about 320 watts............ Sorry, it would appear the old axium is true, nothing comes for free,

That could be possible that the lesser expensive meter is doing that. I do know that since I switched to the baracuda from my mags the "Ol Wheel on the Meter" Outside has slowed down a bit. I am having a electrican over next week, well see if he can gauge it. another thing, our power company recommends this meter to find sources of high electrical use. Albeit that does not subscribe to its accuracy.

Even at 320 Watts thats less current than my Mags used.

Not at All. However I am 6' tall which helps with the reach and I bought the best, sturdiest work ladder I could find and left access to three sides of the tank.

Well need to get going on the hood. Last night my Bluethroat trigger sailed over the tank edge and into a chair 5' away. This morning I found 1 dried Bluetroat:(

That's too bad, sorry for the loss. A couple of sheets of egg cgate from HD would make a good temporary top until you get your canopy done.
Can you supply the blueprints of your stand? I'm curious to see what you used on the outside of the stand and how you attached the 2x6's. I'm in the process of putting a 240g (60x36x24) in my wall and am going to be building a stand for it and trying to figure out the best way to do it.

Was thinking of using 4x4's or 2x6's or maybe even cinderblocks as all this stuff will be hidden in my utility room.

If you don't have blueprints more pictures and description of what you did would be great. If you want we can discuss over email as well. Just let me know.

So far your setup looks great. Good work and thanks for posting your progress as stuff like this helps others like me build ours :)
I'd be interested in learning more about your hood designs. Please put those up when you have time, too, and I am also making a hood for my tank. I have clamp-on MH lights that I have to account for so if your lighting is going to be similar we could perhaps collaborate on design ideas. Thanks in advance.