300 gallon lookdown

I am set on the 300g, I hope it's huge because I will be stocking it with large angels, tangs, triggers, and eels.

zoe, how big are some of your fish? Can we get a stock list and size? Thanks.
fish stock list

vlamingi tang 10 "
unicorn tang 12"
copperband butterfly 4"
pink tail trigger 9"
yellow blotch rabittfish 4"
pair of saddleback clowns female 3" male 1.5"
bristle tooth tomini tang 5"

I plan on making a cover I have the material just haven't decided on how I want to make the frame..

was thinking velcro would be ideal but haven't really thought if I can make it work
either that or a pvc frame using spa flex and regular pvc
I think the spa flex/pvc would be best. That is what I plan to use, have it sort of snap fit around the rim. I need a strong cover to keep my 32" brazilian dragon moray eel in. Nice fish and sizes, gives me hope for having this as FO tank. Please keep an update with pics, thanks! Very nice btw!
added my new relector lumenarc very happy with it and I plan to supplement with some t5s or vho atinics in the future..

have my exhaust fan on order it is much needed and can't wait to get it installed...

new pictures





