300 Gallon Tank Stand Progress.......


Moving on Up
As you can tell I am just getting ready to start staining the stand and canopy. The tank should be delivered this week. It is going to take me some time to get it ready but here are the beginning pics.....



looking good...and have fun you will be busy in the next couple weeks....post some of your spec for the tank then more people can give you input such as light,flow,skimmer,sum ect....
Thanks but I think I have it all covered......I will be using 2 OceanMotions 3 ways on a closed loop drilled from the bottom with Reeflo Dart pumps. I have Little Giants I will be using for returns. My skimmer is a 4' tall Lifereef rated for 500 gallon and is currently running on my 180. For lighting I have 3 250 watt MH pendants I got from Icecap with Icecap ballasts. I will also be using T5's for supplementation. Let me know what you think. BILL
Im not trying to dismantle your work but i think you might want to beef up that stand alittle. Water alone for a 300 gallon tank weighs 8.33 lbs per gallon times your 300 equals 2499lbs. More than a ton. The 1x6's will bow very quickly as you increase the amount of water in the tank. If its just the skirt around some other stand thats fine but if you plan on putting nothing butted up to the columns there gonna give. I really dont want to critisize your work because your stand looks better than mine at the time i just dont want to see 300 gallons on the floor. Goodluck. Sorry if this makes you mad.
I never get mad at constructive critisism (sp). I did not build the stand I had it built by someone that has been making stands for a very long time. All I have to do is stain it. I actually had the person making the stand contact the person making the tank just to make sure. The person that made the stand explained his construction style to the person making the tank. All the person making the tank recommended was that I add an extra 3/4" piece of plywood on the top for the tank to sit on.
i think the stand will hold , but the only thing that sticks out that i would be worried about is the supports for the backside. you are putting allot of load on those screws instead of the wood itself, i would splice another board in between the top and bottom frame for added support(like on the front side).
