New member
Hi Everyone,
Here are pics of my dive into a first saltwater aquarium. Knowing that I could not add any "new" furniture into our house, I decided to attack the one piece that was never used and always looked at. A 30 inch wide, 18 inch deep glass cabinet under our flat screen that was used to house dusty books and a cable box. I chose this cabinet because it would be a focal point for our house, similar to a nice fire place under a nice TV screen, and, because the enclosure would protect the new occupants from our 1 year old baby while still being able to be enjoyed and viewed. After bed time we open up the doors for full view.
I started by reinforcing the cabinet with plywood underneath and behind as well as adding additional supports below. I tested by standing in it. I also hinged the top for easy access. Lastly, the doors were reinstalled and function like normal with magnets at the top.
For the tank, I went with an acrylic 30g from Sea Clear ordered through Petco. It was the only 30g I found that was a true 30 inches wide necessary for an exact fit. I also added an aqeon filter, marineland led (8 white, 4 blue, says capable of low/med level plants...) 2 425gph hydor power heads, 30 lbs. of dry rock and 30 lbs. of live sand.
After the tank cycled, I added a clown fish with 5 cleaner crabs and 5 snails. A month later, I added a fire fish and 1 peppermint shrimp. All from my local fish store and all doing great. They have established their own areas in the tank, the clown hanging near an upper power head, the fire fish finding an crevice we did not know existed, and the shrimp holds down the other end.
I primarily feed once every evening, which is a mix of live shrimp from the LFS, Marine Fusion frozen mixed food, and some of the New Life Spectrum sinking pellets. They obviously enjoy the live shrimp the best, but I've found if I mix primarily frozen food and a little live shrimp in a syringe the will eat everything. The feeding is over a 3-4 minute period without circulation. I've had mixed results with the sinking pellets and I'm not sold on them at this point.
The first month I was performing weekly 25% water changes. In month 2, I've changed this to every 10 days. My levels are Sal 1.025, PH 8, A, No2, No3 all 0, Temp 77.
Tips on one more fish would be helpful (yellow or red) and if, when and what corals that would be good to add...
Here are pics of my dive into a first saltwater aquarium. Knowing that I could not add any "new" furniture into our house, I decided to attack the one piece that was never used and always looked at. A 30 inch wide, 18 inch deep glass cabinet under our flat screen that was used to house dusty books and a cable box. I chose this cabinet because it would be a focal point for our house, similar to a nice fire place under a nice TV screen, and, because the enclosure would protect the new occupants from our 1 year old baby while still being able to be enjoyed and viewed. After bed time we open up the doors for full view.
I started by reinforcing the cabinet with plywood underneath and behind as well as adding additional supports below. I tested by standing in it. I also hinged the top for easy access. Lastly, the doors were reinstalled and function like normal with magnets at the top.
For the tank, I went with an acrylic 30g from Sea Clear ordered through Petco. It was the only 30g I found that was a true 30 inches wide necessary for an exact fit. I also added an aqeon filter, marineland led (8 white, 4 blue, says capable of low/med level plants...) 2 425gph hydor power heads, 30 lbs. of dry rock and 30 lbs. of live sand.
After the tank cycled, I added a clown fish with 5 cleaner crabs and 5 snails. A month later, I added a fire fish and 1 peppermint shrimp. All from my local fish store and all doing great. They have established their own areas in the tank, the clown hanging near an upper power head, the fire fish finding an crevice we did not know existed, and the shrimp holds down the other end.
I primarily feed once every evening, which is a mix of live shrimp from the LFS, Marine Fusion frozen mixed food, and some of the New Life Spectrum sinking pellets. They obviously enjoy the live shrimp the best, but I've found if I mix primarily frozen food and a little live shrimp in a syringe the will eat everything. The feeding is over a 3-4 minute period without circulation. I've had mixed results with the sinking pellets and I'm not sold on them at this point.
The first month I was performing weekly 25% water changes. In month 2, I've changed this to every 10 days. My levels are Sal 1.025, PH 8, A, No2, No3 all 0, Temp 77.
Tips on one more fish would be helpful (yellow or red) and if, when and what corals that would be good to add...