32 Biocube build

Wow. This is my first time building am acrylic tank and it came out great. I am testing it for water tightness, but so far, no leaks. We are getting closer guys. Once it passes the test, I'll add the support for the lid and move to the next step.


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Float switches and return pump installed. This has been an exercise in patience for me. I'm making sure everything is just the way I want it, before getting the tank wet.


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Since you obviously have some electronics knowledge, you may want to consider an optical switch as redundancy for those float switches. I don’t trust them...
Very good point. I will look into that. As of right now the only redundancy I will have will be the time the pump can be on, controlled by the Apex, but your suggestion doesn't hurt at all. Thank you.
I got the skimmer today. This will be mostly for emergencies and to keep up with the Triton method recommendations.

I like this one because there is no collection cup to clean, just a bottle which will be in the stand that I will hopefully only need to empty once it twice a month. Hopefully!!

I went with the reefglass because of the dimensions and the reviews.


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Very good point. I will look into that. As of right now the only redundancy I will have will be the time the pump can be on, controlled by the Apex, but your suggestion doesn't hurt at all. Thank you.

I programmed my own and the timer is really nice to have, but I found that it just delays overfills instead of preventing them. It's probably not urgent but redundancy in this case is worthwhile, like you said.
Sorry if I missed it, is the primary method of export going to be the fuge, with the skimmer as a backup? I’m wondering how far I can get on my 10g with only a fuge and the occasional water change.
Yeah. The fuge will be the main nutrients export and the skimmer will run occasionally. As far as water changes, I don't plan on doing any. Maybe one every 3 or 4 months. My goal with this tank is to make it ULM.

In your case, I would stick to water changes. I dunt think a 10 gallon merits a skimmer, but I may be wrong.
The hood fans were a bit noisy so I decided to install a temperature controlled dimmer switch to reduce the speed of the fans based on how got the light gets. So far it is working great. I just need to play with the settings a bit more.

Here are some pics.


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It's kinda hard to tell in your picture, but it looks like the wires from the top float switch are split between the bottom float switch. This looks like it could block the bottom float switch from functioning normally.

...and +1 on these trusting these things... It's not if... it's when they fail. Pressure switches are also a nice alternative.


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Oh I completely agree with you guys on the float switches not being reliable. I already ordered a few optical sensors to play with and improve reliability.

As far as the wires go, it looks like that on the picture, but they are not even close. I made sure if that. I'll keep a very close eye until I can get the optical sensors up and running.
Finally got water in the tank. The cycle begins.


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Half way through the cycle. I'm using ammonia as I didn't want to use any live rock or shrimp to get it started. Getting closer.


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The plan is LPS dominant. This will be a ULM tank so, I'm planning on corals that like a high nutrient environment. That rules out SPS, but I'm good with that. I love hammers and Frogspawns so I'll get a few of those and maybe a Goni or two.

We'll see, still ways to go.
The cycle finished yesterday. It was weird, Friday Nitrites were of the charts and Saturday they were at zero. I guess the bacteria decided to get to work.

I got a Damsel today at the LFS to test the levels and make sure everything is good. I'll give it a few weeks and then I'll start stocking up on corals.
Corals went into the tank yesterday and things are looking good so far. Parameters are in check so far. I just need to hook up the doser, which I'll do this weekend. Here are some pictures of the corals today.

More to come soon.


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It’s great to see this tank up and running. You actually bought it from my sister and brother-in-law. I actually played matchmaker on the deal. This tank is what brought me into the fold a few years ago. Keep up the good work!