32 Biocube build

So far, so good. All the corals look good and I got some new fish and Coral from a friend at work. I'll try to take some pictures of the fish tomorrow.

Best way to celebrate the Pats win!!!


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So, I'm running into an issue with my fuge. I just noticed that the Chaeto is all the way at the bottom of the chamber and not getting enough flow or light. Any ideas as to how to keep it higher in the chamber and away from the display?

It looked kind of white when I found it today.
Hey guys.A quick update, I got lucky and found someone who was selling a set of intank baskets for my Biocube and got them at a really good price. Now the Chaeto is elevated and I also have some room to put filter media.

I also got a few corals that I was looking for. Here are some pictures. Thank you all for all your help.


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Just a quick update on the tank. Everything is doing great so far. I got a couple of Acan Lords. They look awesome under the blue LEDs.


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Just a quick update on the tank. Everything is doing great so far. I got a couple of Acan Lords. They look awesome under the blue LEDs.


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Hey everyone,

Things are still doing good. Still running without water changes and the Triton method. Everything is looking great and some of the corals that I got looking bland are now looking great and have colored up real nice.


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Hey everyone,

Things are still doing good. Still running without water changes and the Triton method. Everything is looking great and some of the corals that I got looking bland are now looking great and have colored up real nice.


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It looks great! Keep us updated and post more pics.
It looks great! Keep us updated and post more pics.
Thanks. I am dealing with Diatom bloom right now, as expected, but corals and fish are happy and healthy. I'm going to let nature do is thing with the Diatoms and see where things go.

As soon as I get a chance, I will post some pictures.

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Adding some pictures of the Skimmate and some new Goniopora and Alveopora corals I got recently. IMG_20180320_222719.jpgIMG_20180320_222730.jpgIMG_20180317_142342.jpgIMG_20180309_202244.jpgIMG_20180309_202251.jpg

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A quick update. So it has been 3 months since I started this tank and I felt like updating this thread. Yesterday I sent my first water sample to Triton for testing. I'll update everyone once I get the results. For now, all fish and corral look great and happy. I have only done one water change since I started the tank and the fuge is doing great too.

Here are some pictures taken today.


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Hi guys,

I just got my Triton results. In case you didn't know, this sample made it all the way to Germany. I didn't know they had to ship it there for analysis. Just sharing.

I tried to attach the indicator PDF but it exceeds the allowed file size here.

However, below are their recommendations. What do you guys think?

From Triton ICP test:

  • High levels of Tin have been found in your system.

As Tin can be very dangerous to you aquarium you should first try to find the contamination source. To help you in finding the source of error, we have listed the most common sources of tin (sorted in descending order of frequency):

1. Contaminated trace elements
2. Metals near or in the aquarium (as rusty clamps or screws)
3. Contaminated salts

  • Low levels of Aluminium have been found in your system.

This is normal if you are using an aluminium based PO4 media. However try to find the contamination. To assist you in finding the source of error, we have listed them the most common sources of aluminium (sorted in descending order of frequency):

1. Aluminium based Phosphate remover
2. Zeolite
3. Metals in water

Use ROWAphos phosphate media to remove the aluminium.

  • Low levels of Lead have been found in your system.

Although not as dangerous at very low levels it is important that you check your system for any possible contaminations. To assist you in finding the source of error, we have listed the most common sources of lead (sorted in descending order of frequency):

1. Contaminated sea salt mixtures
2. Contaminated salts such as calcium chloride
3. Contaminated trace elements
4. Contaminated feed for fish or coral

If you have problems in your tank, TRITON DETOX should be applied before the water changes.

Application DETOX: Take activated carbon and Phosphate media out of the system, add 3ml Detox / 100l of aquarium water. After 3 days, put on fresh activated carbon (Phosphate media can now also be introduced again), activated carbon should be changed after 7 days.

Monitor levels over future ICP-OES tests.

  • Your Bromine levels are slightly elevated.

Check for possible contamination source. To help you in your search for the source of error, we have listed the most frequent bromine sources (sorted in descending order of frequency):

1. Contaminated salts such as calcium chloride
2. Contaminated trace elements
3. Contaminated salt mixtures

If you have problems in the aquarium you can change 2x 10-15% of the aquarium water, spread over 2-4 weeks.
Monitor with future ICP-OES tests.

  • Your Lithium levels are too high.

Check for possible contamination source. To help you in your search for the source of error, we have listed them the most common lithium sources (sorted in descending order of frequency):

1. Trace element overdose / contamination
2. Contaminated salts / contaminated magnesium salts
3. Artificial Rock/ Reef ceramics
4. Food

  • Your Vanadium levels are too high.

Check for possible contamination source. To assist you in finding the source of error, we have listed the most common sources of vanadium (sorted in descending order of frequency):

1. Trace element overdose
2. Reef ceramics
3. Contaminated salts
So, it has been 6 months since I started this tank. I have only done 1 water change ever, when the tank finished cycling.

As you know, I am using the Triton method and I have nothing but great things to say about this system. I sent the first test sample to Triton a while back and everything important was in check.

I have continued testing the main elements a couple of times a month and things look great so far. I don't know how far this will continue at this rate, but I'm happy and the tank looks great.

I also found a guy selling 2 Maxima Clams for $45 shipped and I had to get them. So far, they are doing great, but I've never kept clams and I'm not sure they will do great in my tank. We'll see.

Here are some pictures from today.


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Hey guys,

A quick update. Happy to report that everything is working better than I ever expected. I love this no water change situation. I actually had to start feeding more because my Phosphate and Nitrate were at zero and the chaeto was starting to shrink.

I really don't know what it is I am doing or why this is working so well. I have zero algae on the display tank and I have tested all the levels many times to confirm everything is in order.

I intentionally ignored the tank for two full weeks. I added an automatic feeder and just walked away for a full week and then went on vacation for another week. When I returned everything looked great and I just had to clean the glass a bit and refill the feeder.

I highly recommend the Triton method. I've done 2 water changes in 7 months and they were during the adjustment period of the dosing.

I did add a DIY skimmer I designed and 3D printed. I was tired of the Reef Glass one getting clogged on the syphon hose. This one works much better.

Here are some pics of the skimmer. I'll share some fresh ones of the tank tomorrow at some point. I need to take some new ones.



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Hey guys,

Hard to believe it's been 11 months since I started this tank. I am extremely happy with the results so far. I think I am up to 5 water changes since I started and 2 of those were because I made stupid mistakes I made.

I'm happy to report that everything is doing great and I have not lost a single coral. I have swapped a few and I had to get rid of my flame angelfish because it was the cause of the two clams I lost.

I have an overloaded tank with mostly LPS corals.

Here are some pictures. That brown stuff on the sand was a flow issues that I'm working on by moving some rocks around a bit. Hopefully, I'll find that sweet spot soon.

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Scillies and the bubble tip look great :). How's the triton going ?

I'm loving it. The hardest part of everything was setting up the dosing pumps and calibrating them. Once everything is up and running is pretty much set it and forget it I'm going to send a water sample soon to make sure everything is good, but the fish, clams and corals are super happy.

I have to say I highly recommend this system for anyone. i'm dosing 2 ml a day so I decided to dilute it with 7 parts of RODI water to dose more often.
I just got this very nice Ricordea that likes to pretend is a bounce mushroom.

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