330 Gallon System design help


New member
Ok, I am finishing setting up my new tank build. The deminsions are as follows. 96x24hx30d.

I have the following equiptment thus far:

- qty 2 6105 with narrow flow
- 6215 Wavebox
- 7096 multi controller

With this equiptment, can I do a nice random flow? Is that the prefered flow?

I was thinking I may need another 6105. Will I need one more? What are your setup sugestions?
I would start with just the Wavebox and spend some time with that alone until you've found the best placement and timing to get a nice standing wave. Afterwards add the two 6105 with the 7096 controller. It does depend on your rock layout, but chances are they'll be best in the back corners towards the top and pointing diagonally across the tank. You'll probably want to go with the Pulse mode on the controller, with a timing somewhere in the 2.5-5 second range.

I also think you may need another pump, either a third 6105 or else the soon-to-be-released 6255. This depends of course on what corals you'll be keeping and how everything is arranged.
Thanks for the reply. One more question; in the software of the 7096, it asks for %'s to use in pulse mode. What should I set those for?
Sorry, I missed this yesterday. Set the pulse percentages to 100 and 30. Only turn down the 100 if it seems like too much flow.