Premium Member
Maybe get some life into this forum 
Almost 2 decade ago I began building an automation system for my reef. This was in the infancy DIY accessible microcontrollers and components. I built a rather complex RO/DI system as part of that project, complete with custom designed PCB, a rotary encoder, and all kinds of telemetry. It calculated reject ratio, total waste, accumulated product, filter life, etc. It was a fun project, but overkill for the purpose at hand (somewhat clean reef water).
I never actually fully finished the reef controller or remote software and (as many of you know) basically let my tank freewheel for the better part of the last 10 years. Sometime 5 or 6 years ago I took the RO/DI system offline and have no clue where the electronics package went. The same holds true for the reef controller. (She throws things away sometimes when they have collected dust for too long... )
I purchased a Profilux 4 - so will not be temped to or have a need to expand this project into a never ending scope.
The goal is very simple.
I will setup a small Microcontroller to time a sequence of relays anytime there is a call to fill the RO/DI resevoir.
1 - open fast flush and clean membrane and send water to waste.
2 - bypass DI resin and send water to waste.
3 - send initial output from DI resin to waste.
4 - send product water to reservoir.
Simple code and a few solenoid valves. The timing for each step will be hard coded, No need for a human interface.
I will try to post progress here. Parts should arrive in a few days (yes, even most of the electronic parts boxes are gone).
If I get bored, i will add flow transducers and TDS metering to the project with an LCD, but they are really not needed.

Almost 2 decade ago I began building an automation system for my reef. This was in the infancy DIY accessible microcontrollers and components. I built a rather complex RO/DI system as part of that project, complete with custom designed PCB, a rotary encoder, and all kinds of telemetry. It calculated reject ratio, total waste, accumulated product, filter life, etc. It was a fun project, but overkill for the purpose at hand (somewhat clean reef water).
I never actually fully finished the reef controller or remote software and (as many of you know) basically let my tank freewheel for the better part of the last 10 years. Sometime 5 or 6 years ago I took the RO/DI system offline and have no clue where the electronics package went. The same holds true for the reef controller. (She throws things away sometimes when they have collected dust for too long... )
I purchased a Profilux 4 - so will not be temped to or have a need to expand this project into a never ending scope.
The goal is very simple.
I will setup a small Microcontroller to time a sequence of relays anytime there is a call to fill the RO/DI resevoir.
1 - open fast flush and clean membrane and send water to waste.
2 - bypass DI resin and send water to waste.
3 - send initial output from DI resin to waste.
4 - send product water to reservoir.
Simple code and a few solenoid valves. The timing for each step will be hard coded, No need for a human interface.
I will try to post progress here. Parts should arrive in a few days (yes, even most of the electronic parts boxes are gone).
If I get bored, i will add flow transducers and TDS metering to the project with an LCD, but they are really not needed.