34 gallon for sale


New member
Hey guys, I have a 34 gallon cube with "custom" stand for sale. The tank is a gutted red sea max, would be easy to set up a closed loop. I have a 5 gallon tank and some .25" acrylic so you can make a sump or I can for you. The sump will fit inside the stand. Let me know and I can send some pictures, I hate uploading to here. The tank has a surface crack in the back, I had water in it for abour 3 months and it did not leak, the glass is black anyway so sealing it for extra security would be easy.
I have it on OYS for $100. I just need to cover the materials I used to build the stand. I will take $75 for it.
I just got back from the states and found out I will be leaving island sooner than I thought so everything must go! I still have the 34 with stand, vertex in-80 skimmer, like 4 power heads, and some other misc things like grabbers and magnet cleaners. If you all are interested in anything just make an offer. If you want to see some pics email me at wesleycharlessmith@yahoo.com and I will send them to you.