UPDATE - The following are ALL I have left... Please PM if interested...
Item Price
2 Tank Quarantine w/ Stand 4x2x1, 1/2" glass 60 gal. and 4x19"x1, 1/4" glass 48 gal $100
5 gallon bucket of dry rock rubble $2 / pound (approx 15 pounds) $30
57 Gallon open top water storage tank #1 $100
57 Gallon open top water storage tank #2 $100
Aqua UV 114 Watt 2 inch UV sterilizer $300
Clear vinyl hose - 2 sizes ($1 / ft - approx 50 ft) $50
Fiji Live Rock ($3 / pound) $300
GFO - 400gm bags (7 bags @ $25 each) $175
Lace Coral Live Rock ($5 / pound) $250
LED Radion #1 $500
LED Radion #2 $500
LED Radion #3 $500
LED Radion #4 $500
LED Radion #5 $500
LED Radion Hanging Kit $25
Lignite Carbon - 250gm bags (4 @ $3 each) $12
Misc. Plumbing (Schedule 80 bulk head, ball valves, and misc.) $25
Misc. Test Kits & Fragging Supplies $15
Pan World Magnetic External Pump 200PS Model - 1750gph $175
Reef Octopus Large Biopellet Reactor #3- BR-140 $120
Reef Octopus Reverse Flow Calcium Reactor 5.5" Dual chamber with pump $400
Stand for 360 gal. Tank with breakfast bar and shelf storage underneath and hand made wooden doors. Stand is 8x4 and countertop height. Tank space is 8x3 $1,500
Stand to hold the 2, 57 gal water storage tanks $25
Tradewinds IL-49 chiller $600