375 update pics

Rogger Castells

New member
Just took some full tank and macro shots of the tank, please feel free to ask any questions, I hope you enjoy the Pics

Holy crap has it come a long way since I last saw it, and if I remember correctly, it crashed in between then and now too.

Wow. Man, that shows some hard work, care, and attention.

Kudos man... Kudos..
WOW, a definite must see. I have to say I love your fish selection Specially the emperor angel, wow!!!
Amazing! I got to invite you over one day for dinner...then do my aquascape. ;-) Love the table acro and the monti caps!
WOW...."Daddy, I want one of those for Christmas!!!" I have to agree with Kewlworm. Dinner, then put you to work on the aquascape.
Rogger all I can say is SWEET....soon as I get my ducks back in a row....Im coming over to see your tank...:)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12272709#post12272709 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sailfin3
what type of triggerfish is that? Does he touch any of the corals?

I believe they're a pair of crosshatch triggers (Xanthichthys mento). Very very beautiful fish.
Thanks Everyone!
Yes the pair of triggers are Crosshatches, they behave very good, I have 3 cleaner shrimp that clean their teeth several time a day.
I do work for food, so if you guys want to invite for dinner I will fix your rock work :D