37Gal Cube tank, fish, corals and equipment for sale

Whats left are the following:

VARIOUS Shrooms (Lavalamps, multi colored rhodactis, Red shroom with white stripes) some on main rock whole some on loose rubble rock. Prefer to sell the group together. About 15 shrooms

1-RbTA - rose rubble tip anemone on main rock

2- yellow hammers

1- red Gonipora

Various zoos/palys - counts approx
- 20 capt America
- 30 clementines
- 30 rastas
- 2 -3 red hornet?
- 6 Blue Rhino
- 3 VDM
- 30 fire n ice variant
- 15 pink with green center paly
- 6 tri color
- 4 yellow center w/purple skirts
- 40 plus bambams
- 40 plus oxides

More updated pics soon

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Various zoos/palys - counts approx
- 20 capt America
[/url]2018-07-03_11-19-03 by Charles Vazquez, on Flickr[/IMG]
- 30 clementines
[/url]2018-07-03_11-17-29 by Charles Vazquez, on Flickr[/IMG]
- 30 rastas
[/url]2018-07-03_11-17-46 by Charles Vazquez, on Flickr[/IMG]
- 2 -3 red hornet?
- 6 Blue Rhino
[/url]20180707_214442 by Charles Vazquez, on Flickr[/IMG]
- 3 VDM
[/url]20180707_214711 by Charles Vazquez, on Flickr[/IMG]
- 30 fire n ice variant
- 15 pink with green center paly
[/url]2018-07-04_12-37-07 by Charles Vazquez, on Flickr[/IMG]
- 6 tri color
- 4 yellow center w/purple skirts
[/url]2018-07-03_11-20-38 by Charles Vazquez, on Flickr[/IMG]
- 40 plus bambams
[/url]2018-07-03_11-18-06 by Charles Vazquez, on Flickr[/IMG]
- 40 plus oxides
[/url]20180707_214111 by Charles Vazquez, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url]2018-07-03_11-16-27 by Charles Vazquez, on Flickr[/IMG]
First 200 or so gets all the corals left except Goni which is the clowns home.

Clowns, Goni together =120

Like to sell by this week. First to offer and meet gets them.

Other fish still available as well.

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Clowns and Goni SOLD.

Other coral still available for package deal. A couple fish still available

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Would like to sell as whole.

Please see post #21 and #22.

Except clowns, goni and jaw breaker are gone.

First to meet my request of 200 for the corals get them. plus if they want fish I can set a deal too. Buyer also gets snails, hermits and peppermint shrimps left.

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More PMs replied too. I could like to sell today, if not I'll hold on and sell some back at work

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Thank you too all that have come by to purchase the corals, fish, inverts, rocks, and lights. Officially all livestock are gone and sold. So have the Kessils are now sold as well.

I will create a new threads for the tank/stand, skimmer, and various equipment sales soon, be on the lookout.