The OG mad scientist
Here's what u get:
Oceanic biocube 29 with stand and original hood.
Replacement pc bulbs(mutliple)
24 inch sunpod MH plus lunar lights.
cleaning magnet
filter pads x1
about 30 pound of cured LR.
gsp- softball size
current timer.
As well as many other additives and chemicals and I believe some MH replacement bulbs.
I will get some pics when I get home of the whole package.
Well over 1k. First $600 takes it all.
Pretty much plug and play just clean the sand and rocks - (algae bloom) and u are ready to go.
It used to house my pipes and ponies thay all have been moved to a better home.
Thx for looking.
Oceanic biocube 29 with stand and original hood.
Replacement pc bulbs(mutliple)
24 inch sunpod MH plus lunar lights.
cleaning magnet
filter pads x1
about 30 pound of cured LR.
gsp- softball size
current timer.
As well as many other additives and chemicals and I believe some MH replacement bulbs.
I will get some pics when I get home of the whole package.
Well over 1k. First $600 takes it all.
Pretty much plug and play just clean the sand and rocks - (algae bloom) and u are ready to go.
It used to house my pipes and ponies thay all have been moved to a better home.
Thx for looking.