40 Breeder FTS Thread


Im getting a 40 gallon breeder this weekend and was just interested to see what some peoples 40 breeders looked like. So if you have a 40 breeder just post a FTS pic for all of us to see.
Not much, but here it is.

Heres mine, pardon all the stuff on the sand this is the day after I added my RBTA and it was walking around. ~approx 1 month ago.

wow great looking tanks, it amazes me how much people can do in just a 40 gal tank, then again i think a little bit bigger lol
wow great looking tanks, it amazes me how much people can do in just a 40 gal tank, then again i think a little bit bigger lol

Haha yeah I see you do think a little bigger. I cant wait to get my 40 gal. Ive seen so many spectacular ones and cant wait to start my own.
Bad pic from September. Tank was set up in June when I upgraded from a 12 gallon Aquapod. I really like the size of this tank.

Nice tank. I love the rock setup. Im upgrading to a 40 from a 12 too! haha

You are really going to love it. I know they aren't nearly as big as most tanks on RC but compared to the 12g cube this tank is huge. I particularly like the depth of the tank and the aquascaping possibilities it opens up. Good luck with the upgrade!
You are really going to love it. I know they aren't nearly as big as most tanks on RC but compared to the 12g cube this tank is huge. I particularly like the depth of the tank and the aquascaping possibilities it opens up. Good luck with the upgrade!

Thanks. Ill be sure to most some pictures once I get it all setup.