40 Breeder FTS Thread

Bad pic from September. Tank was set up in June when I upgraded from a 12 gallon Aquapod. I really like the size of this tank.


nice rockwork...
Hey felix t cat, what kind of rock is that on the right? I like it.

I believe at one time long long ago it was a huge plating coral. It has a stem on the bottom and I have it laying on it's side. It actually came with the tank when I bought it (although at that point it was a COMPLETE MESS).

Now that I've set up my 135 I have thought about moving some of the rock to it and standing that pc up.
Here is mine, been setup for about 3 months now. Everything was moved over from a 20gallon I had setup before.


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beautiful tanks. one question. do the 40gallon breeders come from the factory predrilled or are people making this mod themselves?
beautiful tanks. one question. do the 40gallon breeders come from the factory predrilled or are people making this mod themselves?

Think you can just get the normal tanks that arent drilled, unless you had it custom made. Mine is just one from Petsmart that I drilled and built an internal overflow for.