40 breeder stocked with Palys, Zoas, and Rics


New member
I set up a new 40 breeder a few days ago. I posted a thread about the build in the DIY forum but I figure now that it's stocked, it's ready for this forum. I just shot a video tonight with my point and shoot (booo). I'm really happy with it (minus the lack of fish). I also need more color variety. I have too much green.
Here is the video:
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EAhLXbXCL-U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Nice tank. It gonna look really good once it grows in. Im also started a zoa/paly and ricordea tank. I see your from west palm i was curious if you were at the frag swap the other weekend. Lots of nice zoas there. Its what made me decide to do mainly ricordea and zoanthids. Good luck with the tank!
Nice tank. It gonna look really good once it grows in. Im also started a zoa/paly and ricordea tank. I see your from west palm i was curious if you were at the frag swap the other weekend. Lots of nice zoas there. Its what made me decide to do mainly ricordea and zoanthids. Good luck with the tank!

I'm a PBMAS member but couldn't make it due to other obligations. I know some of those guys have nice stuff and had all my frags ready to trade too.