40 Breeder sump build for 120DT


New member
I'm in the process of trying to baffle a 40b I just got from petco. I've done baffles before just don't know how to arrange it. I have a 120 display and currently I'm using a 25 gallon wet dry that I modded into a sump but has no true fuge. I'm running a mag 5 and mag 7 both internal to their own return. I got a new mag 18 to replace them but not sure if I want to put it internal or external also not sure how to arrange sump. Should I put return chamber in the middle? And fuge to one side, skimmer to the other by the drain? Or have it go left to right like it does now. Also not entirely sure that the 40B can fit through the opening in my stand (28" x28"). The area inside the stand is 45.5" x20". And the 40B is 36.5" X 18.25" so it will fit fine, it's just a matter of getting it through the opening. Any ideas on setup would be awesome!

Its all about what you want, ive built 3 before and everone has been different. The latest one i added a chamber for ro water so i dont have to have a separate resovior. By doing that i had to have the return from the tank going directly to the skimmer section, but it works and i like not having the extra resovior.
Up to you. If you truly want a fuge for macro I would put the return in the middle, it will make it easier to regulate the flow to the fuge and you can eek out some more volume this way.

Just make sure you're return is beefy enough to handle the extra plumbing.
To ease up on your return needs, if you are dealing with tank with corner overflows that is, can you not run one return (closest to fuge section) to the fuge and valve that to control flow to fuge, then remaining flow on same line goes to main drain. Other side of tank goes direct to drain, valved as well to control total flow for overflow box water height control????? Thought here being you get nutrient rich water to the fuge straight from tank.

Secondary drains left untouched for emergency drainage purposes of course.