All the like kind I used it just means if you use 35V max output is 33.5V.
So using a 24V ps and 3 of those.. 1 @ 12v, 1 @ 5V one @10v
The Chinglish is confusing..
On a side note this is the IC I used to double the 5V pwm on the Typhon to 9.6V
RC circuit to smooth.
Like I said "I" didn't know how to boost the current (which I assume was limited by the Typhon) without adding another power supply.
My HOPE (dashed) was to convert without adding another wall wart.
View attachment 32409427
Those drivers would be classified as "linear" correct. MOSFET switched.
I couldn't use linear because some of the designs had like 10v one channel, 36v another and I had a bunch of 48v ps's..
Dropping from 48 to 10v I assumed would mean a LOT of heat and of course waste.
Not an issue w/ switching buck drivers.
There are plenty of switching driver IC's out there.
Dimmed/programmed by direct 5v pwm from Aduino or Typhon, or Hurricane, or Storm..

Many just build the "sample circuit" shown on the driver ic data sheets..
I hear ya about the fun and advantages (do it my way) of diy, just soo many cheap tinker toys out there..
And one can tap into the creatives..
Like this person who designed and programmed a controller/driver board to my specs..
Hight Power, wide voltage, step-down led driver.
Personally its the software that's the most annoying..
Same $50.. 5 drivers and a "wireless typhon" built in...
But, again, I didn't need to push 500w of lights. Changes the playing field.
Worrying about tripping a breaker rarely ever came up.
I'm not sure how one "does" the math to calculate the draw at the outlet.
This little discussion implies your "3A" fr an lrs 150-24 isn't really correct?
6.5 x 24/ 110 x .89 X pF
156/97.9 x.9(guess atm) =1.77A not 3..
View attachment 32409429
If a power supply says the input power is 100-240V, ~1.5A, I'm assuming that the "1.5A" draw would be at 100V, not at 240V, right? I.e. would the total max watts be 150W regardless of the input vo...