New member
Here are some pictures of my three and a half old tank. I recently acquired the Sony NEX-5N for $420. Here are my most recent pictures. Constructive criticism accepted. Enjoy!

my gosh, every shot is like right out of a magazine. is this the CAD Lights 39G Professional?
great macros! do you turn off your pumps for those pics?
for me, the colors look a little bit washed out and cold. did you reprocess them? did you do manual white balance?
greetings martin
focus and composition is good, but i feel they lack saturation. maybe its just the light thats different to what i would expect.
I think you need a bigger tank!
Great pics too!
Interesting comment, usually the criticism in post is that they are overdone saturation wise.
I think the WB in post using a K specific adjustment is the way to go. Anyway you cut it, sharp shots!
i agree that usually pics are oversaturated. your pics look very crisp and clean, i like them very much - don't misunderstand my comment. i just noticed that they look different from pics i've seen or have taken myself, could be the light. single metal halid? love how it creates that spotlight effect, way better looking pics IMO.