Kent Marine Phytoplex Phytoplankton provides necessary proteins, carbohydrates and lipids for hard & soft corals, tube worms, clams and other invertebrates"”and it's 40% till Sunday @ midnight!
Phytoplex provides necessary proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids for live hard & soft corals, tube worms, clams and other invertebrates
It is rich in the omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA and is useful in feeding rotifers and other plankton and in raising larval fish
Phytoplex is grown in cold saltwater under laboratory conditions. It contains over 3 billion cells per capful and is typically about 15 times as concentrated as competing live cultures, meaning that one 8 oz. bottle of Phytoplex has more phytoplankton cells than 1 gallon of the competition. It is free of viruses, toxins and heavy metals which can be a problem when using live algae cultures, cultured in outdoor ponds. Phytoplex contains Nannochloropsis, a small green flagellate and Tetraselmis, a large green flagellate both containing high EPA lipid levels as well as high protein contents. It also contains Tahitian Isochrysis, a small yellow flagellate which is rich in protein, carbohydrates and DHA lipids. Phytoplex is very useful in SPS and soft coral propagation as well as overall reef maintenance.
Shake well immediately before use.
Invertebrate foods should be used sparingly in a marine aquarium, to prevent loss of water quality! Add 1 to 2 teaspoons per 50 gallons (1 capful from 8 or 16 oz. bottle, or 5 ml = 1 teaspoon) in an area of high water flow. Feed daily or several times weekly, depending on animal load.
Nitrite testing will warn of overdosing.
Target Method
Individual animals may be targeted with this product and this is the most efficient method. It also causes less pollution in the aquarium. To do this, purchase a plastic syringe at any drug store. Fill the syringe with Kent Phytoplex and dispense, as necessary where the product will flow over the animal. Do not touch the animal with the syringe. Do not contaminate this product with aquarium water by inserting syringe into this container!
Considerations for use
For SPS or soft coral propagation, Kent Phytoplex can be used daily. For best results, use Coral Accel simultaneously. Keep a close watch on water quality and do not overfeed! Feed Micro Vert once weekly in lieu of Coral Accel on that day. Continue your normal regimen of Kent® Kalkwasser, Tech CB and Coral-Vite. Kent Marine Essential Elements should be used simultaneously to replace those minerals lost to protein skimming and carbon or resin filtration. Tech I Iodine will provide excellent results. Live corals require strong lighting, with proper spectrum and strong water movement in a well established aquarium. Regular water changes with Kent Sea Salt are encouraged. Use Kent Marine Superbuffer-dKH or new Pro Buffer dKH to control alkalinity, prevent pH swings, and encourage deposition of new coral structure.
Active Ingredients
Nannochloropsis, Tetraselmis and Isochrysis sp. Tahitian. (All aqua cultured, naturally occurring marine phytoplankton.)

- Kent Phytoplex is a highly concentrated complex of aqua cultured, naturally occurring marine phytoplankton
- It contains Nannochloropsis, Tetraselmis and Isochrysis sp. Tahitian ranging in size from 2 to 15 microns
Phytoplex provides necessary proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids for live hard & soft corals, tube worms, clams and other invertebrates
It is rich in the omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA and is useful in feeding rotifers and other plankton and in raising larval fish
Phytoplex is grown in cold saltwater under laboratory conditions. It contains over 3 billion cells per capful and is typically about 15 times as concentrated as competing live cultures, meaning that one 8 oz. bottle of Phytoplex has more phytoplankton cells than 1 gallon of the competition. It is free of viruses, toxins and heavy metals which can be a problem when using live algae cultures, cultured in outdoor ponds. Phytoplex contains Nannochloropsis, a small green flagellate and Tetraselmis, a large green flagellate both containing high EPA lipid levels as well as high protein contents. It also contains Tahitian Isochrysis, a small yellow flagellate which is rich in protein, carbohydrates and DHA lipids. Phytoplex is very useful in SPS and soft coral propagation as well as overall reef maintenance.
Shake well immediately before use.
Invertebrate foods should be used sparingly in a marine aquarium, to prevent loss of water quality! Add 1 to 2 teaspoons per 50 gallons (1 capful from 8 or 16 oz. bottle, or 5 ml = 1 teaspoon) in an area of high water flow. Feed daily or several times weekly, depending on animal load.
Nitrite testing will warn of overdosing.
Target Method
Individual animals may be targeted with this product and this is the most efficient method. It also causes less pollution in the aquarium. To do this, purchase a plastic syringe at any drug store. Fill the syringe with Kent Phytoplex and dispense, as necessary where the product will flow over the animal. Do not touch the animal with the syringe. Do not contaminate this product with aquarium water by inserting syringe into this container!
Considerations for use
For SPS or soft coral propagation, Kent Phytoplex can be used daily. For best results, use Coral Accel simultaneously. Keep a close watch on water quality and do not overfeed! Feed Micro Vert once weekly in lieu of Coral Accel on that day. Continue your normal regimen of Kent® Kalkwasser, Tech CB and Coral-Vite. Kent Marine Essential Elements should be used simultaneously to replace those minerals lost to protein skimming and carbon or resin filtration. Tech I Iodine will provide excellent results. Live corals require strong lighting, with proper spectrum and strong water movement in a well established aquarium. Regular water changes with Kent Sea Salt are encouraged. Use Kent Marine Superbuffer-dKH or new Pro Buffer dKH to control alkalinity, prevent pH swings, and encourage deposition of new coral structure.
Active Ingredients
Nannochloropsis, Tetraselmis and Isochrysis sp. Tahitian. (All aqua cultured, naturally occurring marine phytoplankton.)