400 gal plywood build

FWIW, I used Sweetwater when I built my 150 gal plywood tank. I brushed and rolled it on using about 3 coats total. It worked well and the tank is still in service to this day. I would say the thickness was measured in mils and it is a two part epoxy paint, not resin. I'm not sure if you can use Sweetwater with fiberglass so be sure to check that out.

However, when I decided to build my 300 gal I opted to go with epoxy resin and the pour method. There is no comparison. I have 1/4" of epoxy over plywood and it's adding a significant amount of structural integrity in addition to the waterproofing. I would strongly recommend you consider this method for this sized tank. The Sweetwater paint may work just fine but why take the chance when it probably won't cost anymore to go with epoxy resin from someplace like US Composites. That's where I got mine and they're very reasonable. DWZM used them for his build too.

Just thought I'd share. Good luck with your build though. I'm looking forward to seeing it come together!
Thanks for the tips. I thought that sweetwater could be used over fiberglass though, I will double check first. I've mulled over the pour vs. spray method. If I don't go with fiberglass the pour for sure. If I fiberglass then it should be sealed and the sweetwater basically would give it water proofing abilities as well as uv protection. Am I thinking correctly?
Just checked their website. Says that it can be used over fiberglass and be rolled, brushed, or sprayed on. Guessing the pour method works too though. Also stated it comes to a 4 mil thickness each application.
Ever so slowly. I have so many "projects" going it ain't even funny. Work is nuts, got 60 hours again last week, so sat afternoon is when I got home. Then the wife wanted to move put piano, which meant moving a cicblid tank. That would allow me to move the 55 predator tank making room for the 400. All went well tilling went to move the predator tank and the old oak stand basically fell apart. I spent till 1 in the morning transferring fish, rock, and inverts. Once I get that cleaned up I can hopefully start the tile today.

Progress, yes but not how I would necessarily like.
Today got the stand in its final place and the 55 and 40 moved out of the way.


next to the 120 that will also eventually move

for any size comparison that is a 40b sitting on it right now
Bathroom is getting tiled, but the day flies by anymore.

Talked to glass cages a few minutes ago about the glass. 190 and 40 shipped to a town about a hour from me. 1/2" starfire 24"tall and 74" long.

If there are any better places out there let me know. I could have this glass by next sat if I order soon.
Thanks CNN and muttley. The epoxy could be a while yet though. Life gets in the way sometimes and the extras take time.
Life gets in the way to much. Anyways, shower is finally done, walls finished sanded and painted. Now for the floor, toilet, and vanity. I do have my ro/di hung on the wall and plumbed in. Back to being able to make water easily.
A lot of that is to be determined yet. I am debating on running a closed loop system in it as well as the overflow, but not sure yet. I have looked into skimz skimmers and deltec. Lights will most likely be 400 MH supplemented with t5 or hopefully led. I am actually researching as I go and deciding when I need something rather then rushing and getting the wrong thing.
Few as the tank is concerned, but updates that allow me to work on it...yep.

My bath is finished besides some trim. The wife decided she wanted her bath redone too though and wanted a vessel sink built into a old dresser. That took over priority for christmas. She bought the erosa and I got a new stand for the 55 and a cold water setup, so it was a fair trade I would say. ;)

I have figured out the compound miter cuts for the 4*4 corner boards though and have them glues and nailed in place. Next is the from face and finishing the 4*4. Then fiberglass!!!
Here are the updated pics

full box turned on its side, 4' level sitting in front

corner miters

fiberglass laid

fiberglass laid and wet

fiberglass dried


I trimmed off the excess and am ready to turn it over and do the other side