Ammonia this morning remained at 0.4 as it had the previous 2 mornings. I also tested nitrite, but there was none. It would appear that my cycle is going to be very gentle given the water volume. I don't know if that means the cycle will take longer or not? I suspect me doing 10% water changes daily (coincides with my ritual of pulling out all the rocks to give them their daily swish in a container of water from the tank and then re-aquascaping) has something to do with it. Perhaps I should stop that for a couple of days and allow the ammonia to reach 1.0 to move the cycle along?
I took a couple of pics after today's "swishing ritual". This time I sat the rocks on my PVC rack, although I'm not fully satisfied with it. I want to make the rack longer. I tried to re-arrange to rocks into a non-wall structure, but its hard to do without resorting to using zip-ties and/or rods inserted through holes drilled through the rocks. At any rate, here is what it looks like right now. I do have several tunnels and what not, and there is a lot more space between a lot of the rocks than before.
The PVC rack is 5" tall, so a 6" sand bed will cover it completely. I got about 6 really large pieces of rock, and a bunch of medium sized pieces and then another handful of small pieces. I'm thinking of combining some of the smaller ones into a bridge of sorts. I have a feeling I'll be playing with the rock arrangement for quite some time to come, keeping an eye on towards being able to place corals on them. This is not an easy task!
In other news, turns out my 44g BRUTE sw mix tank doesn't need a heater. That internal Mag 9.5 does all the heating for me. After mixing overnight, the temp is right at 81 degrees.
I'm a little concerned about the single 2" inlet for my CL pump. I'm probably pulling close to 4000gph through it and don't want my invertebrates to get sucked into it. I do have a 2" screw in screen, but I'd like to also add a larger cage around it somehow. I was just reading how Skeets had 2 of his cleaner shrimp sucked into his and he split his into 2 where I just have the single inlet.