40G Breed Sump Setup Advice


I just recently acquired a 40Gal Breeder and a stand. I'm coming from a 24Gal AIO and I want to fully embrace the sump life. I am fully expecting to drill this 40G Breed for an overflow and a return. With all that being said, I'm a little clueless on the specifics of all the valving and plumbing pieces necessary to make this happen. I am the type of person who doesn't like to cut corners and I like to complete a job correctly the first time with the best materials. Can anyone give me some advice on the materials I would need to plumb something similar to this in concept:


Decided Setup Equipment:
-Eshopps Eclipse S Overflow Box
-IM Helios controlled heater
-IM top-off container

Items Needing Help Deciding on:
-Schedule 80 Plumbing design.
-Return nozzle hardware.
-Sump (needs to fit inside 35"x17"x26")
-Protein Skimmer for sump
-Dual return pumps

If anyone can give me some advice on a the following needed items above that would be outstanding. Thanks in advance!
I have a 40 breeder with an eShopps Eclipse. I went basic because I wasn’t worried about noise with the tank being in the basement.

I’ve always used Durso overflows in the past because that’s what I learned years ago and am comfortable with. That said, that looks like it might be a @BeanAnimal setup and, since I have no experience with those, I’ll let others answer.
I have a 40 breeder with an eShopps Eclipse. I went basic because I wasn’t worried about noise with the tank being in the basement.

I’ve always used Durso overflows in the past because that’s what I learned years ago and am comfortable with. That said, that looks like it might be a @BeanAnimal setup and, since I have no experience with those, I’ll let others answer.
Griss, have heard of Bean and another type too. Does that describe the angles of the pipes or?
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Griss, have heard of Bean and another type too. Does that describe the angles of the pipes or?
Honestly, I've never looked into doing a BeanAnimal or Herbie as I learned about Dursos first and they've always worked for my needs. So, I'm not the most knowledgeable about the others. But, my understanding is Bean has advantages over Durso in that they are quieter, allow for adjustment and have redundancy in the event of a blockage in one of the overflow pipes. Here's a really old discussion on them.
Angles have nothing to do with the name, It's from the fellow that invented it.
That said, in that picture the angles are so the pipes fit into the section of the sump needed.
A straight pipe is best, IF IT FITS, but you need internal overflows for that scenario. An external box will require angles to reach into a sump.
Here is an article on the 3 drain types: