40g Breeder w/ black pine stand and 33g cube w/ light oak stand 19335

Ok want really need these out before I set them back up again.
40g breeder tank, black trim with black pine stand - $75
33g cube tank, light oak trim, light oak wood stand (wood sides with mdf top and bottom) - $50 (does have 2 small chips on the back corner)

Make me an offer if you can pick them up tonight (Zip code 19335) and get them out of here. Would also be interested in Reefkeeper equipment in trade.



I know "tonight" has past but I have a friend interested in both. He is going to call me tonight with a confirmation if this item is still for sale.
damn im about build 1 stand for my 40B tank.. and this is good deal.. i wish u are close to where i live... 3 hours driver hichcich.. bump for sweet deal ever
Ok so after having the tank in the back of my Rav4 for a few weeks the plastic trim on the bottom caught on the carpet and broke. I have the broken pc if you wanted to try and repair it. SOOOO

40G Breeder with broken plastic trim $10
Stand available $40. I'll be around today (13th) but then gone for a week.