Not sure if anyone is still reading this but I will try a few more updates.
Got my lights for the frag tank. Went back and forth T5 vs MH. After much consideration, I went with
I have heard so much good stuff about t5 but I just cant give up my MH. Here are the duel fixtures
Each fixture is 2 x 150MH and 4 t5. Might be overkill but I feel light is the key element in sps growth.
To avoid overheating I am running my frag lights from 11pm-5am right now. This not only will help keep my ph up during the night, but levels out the heat issue. So far the corals that I have fragged are responding well to it
While I am on the subject of lighting, I have been concerned that my 4 400 MH in luminarc minis dont reach the corners of my tank and so I am going to be adding another 2 x 400 in lum. minis for a total of 2400 watts of light into the tank. Am going to keep close track of how growth is affected by the additional lighting.
Here is lighting as it is now. Not sure what I am going to do with the acentic bulbs I have in the middle still need to figure that out
Here is where I hang my ballasts
Going to be a bit crowded up there.
More later. If you are reading and enjoying let me know so I can know whether to continue