450 Gal. Tank Build Questions


New member
Putting in a new 450 gallon tank and am looking for ideas to plumb it and either use a CLS or something else (but not sure what). I tried attaching drawing of tank layout but it is too big. So I took photo of end.

Tank is 8' x 3' x 30". There is an overflow on each end.

This is going to be a couple of month build as I have to add an addition for this tank. Tank will be visible from front and back sides into 2 different rooms. Have a fish room which is approximately 16 feet from where tank will be with 110 galln sump, skimmer etc...I think I have quite a challenge. Any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks


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west side of tank is going to be 30" off the floor and east side of fish tank will be 45" of the floor all plumbing is going under floor 14 inches difference in floors

top of tank

main floor
second floor


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Your closed loop plumbing can all be done under the tank's cabinet, with just the water to/from the sump going under the floor. What is your question? are you asking for pump recommendations?

Tank is not drilled for CLS. Trying to decide if I want to drill it or use return for flow. Trying to determine if I can produce enough flow with return pump(s). Not sure what system I want to use.
Closed loop is a personal choice. You will not likely get the flow you need from the return pump. Instead your choices will more likely revolve around whether or not you want to put some sort of in-tank pumps for flow (which you will then have to look at/listen to) versus closed loop.

Can you find out if the tank is drillable?

Tank is 1" acrylic so I do not see a reason that it cannot be drilled. What would you recomment for a closed loop system? Oceeans Motions? SCWD system possibly with spray bar?
I woud slap two vortechs on each side of the overflows one high one low for a total of four vortechs..( 2 on each side) and call it a day.
Been looking at the OM system pretty hard. I really don't want to have PH in the tank (I think they are ugly)

i 100% agree, but the way your overflow is cut i dont think vortechs will be very noticable since you only have a small round wetside on the inside of the tank..
i 100% agree, but the way your overflow is cut i dont think vortechs will be very noticable since you only have a small round wetside on the inside of the tank..

Thought about that but the tank will be visable on both sides so I was looking for something really inconspicuous and I don't think I would be happy with the vortechs in the long run. Thought about using SCWD's and spray bars but don't know how well that would work. Waiting to hear back from SCWD on that one.