450 Gallon Reef


New member
Well I am about to start my end all tank.

I am going to have Scott from Aquatic Systems Designs build the tank and it will be 96Lx36Dx30H. I currently have 3 tanks now, a 75, 135 and a 180g that will be going to the new one and shutting those down.

I will probably use the 135 as a sump out in the garage where everything will be plumbed to. I had Scott build me a calcium reactor already:




Sorry about quality as I have a crappy camera, no $1,200 one here!

I am planning to use two closed loops on the tank as starters and the one return. The pumps will be three darts @ $700 for all three. I plan on having the CL returns coming up through the bottom of the tank and one center overflow, I am thinking on the outside of the tank with two drains.

I also plan on the two closed loops running 2-OM 4 ways @ $700 for the both.

I am working currently for a quote from Scott on a skimmer for this system and am not sure what pump I will be using or what design he may have in mind for the skimmer. I do currently have 3 RTL70 Iwakis that I have on the other tanks that may serve the purpose.

For lighting. . man I hate the lighting part! For lighting I am considering 3 400watt Ushio with LuminarcIIIs and electronic ballasts @ $1257 for those. I was thinking of supplimentation with either the current 3 660 ice caps and using them for T5 and I also currently have a 430. Maybe I should just use the VHOs as supplimentation? Any suggestion here will be appreciated.

Now you may wonder about using only 3 400watters, but I plan to have the ends of the tank with a little less light for visual effect and for the inhabitants that require less lighting and so I can actually 'TRY' to make zoned areas in the tank.

I also plan on using Carabsea Oolite, just like Sanjay my hero /blush. I like the smaller sand for more than just appreance but also for how it keeps perameters from what I have read.

I am also planning on getting a Aqua Controller III at about $550 for most of my controls and I still need to find an auto top off controller, any ideas here welcome also.

This tank will be put into my wall downstairs and have its own room with a few feet behind it and plumbing going straight out into the garage. I will be posting those pictures as I go and start the tear down and build up. But you can see the wall I will be tearing down behind picture #2. I will be moving that wall back about 4-5 feet and opening the room up and plan on putting a bar around the bottom of the tank. I will post more pictures of the planned area soon.

Now I posted prices incase anyone knows where to get a deal that I may not have come accross and my wife is already wanting to kill me :( you guys know exactly what I mean.

And for you picture freaks. . I am one too!! Here is a shot of my 75 with a 13 year old Yellow tang (unreal huh?) and my Regal and a monster sized maroon, you can see the size of her via the mini Angel. That anemone had just split and made me a bit happy :)



Anyhow thanks for looking and any advice at this point would be welcome. I figure this will be a few months for sure, so no time like the present to make sure my ducks are in order as I will only do this once. . hopefully!
Ok, gotta love this Reefcentral. Got all three Sequence Darts and two of three Luminarc III reflectors.

Does anyone know about using Ice Cap 660 balasts for T5 lighting and how that works?
Great start.

I have been buying used stuff here on RC for my 260 g project, you can get some great buys and save tons of cash!!!

Now I just need to find someone to refinish my family room cheap so I can get busy assembling the tank :)
HAHA! Yeah, so far I saved a bit of cash, got an OM-4way, 3 darts and two Luminarc IIIs that will be here by the end of the week. Should have another Luminarc III purchased by friday also.

Ok, seems my acrylic guy is looking at a recirculating needle wheel skimmer for my tank and that will probably be purchased by the end of December. The tank should be started in two weeks and I will post pictures as I recieve them.

So far does anyone have any suggestions or recomendations off what I have posted so far? Input is valued here and making it right for the inhabitants and keeping costs down is my priority right now.

Also, what do you folks recommend on ballast / bulb suggestions for a 400 watt. Sanjay, please feel free to chime in here!

Lots of nori on vegi clips, a varied diet, clean water and getting a good fish to begin with. This guy eats from my hand ;)
Allrighty then.

Here is the room my tank will be going in, the wall will be coming out and enlarging my downstairs play room a bit. . ok ALOT. The wall will fall back about 5 feet into the office area and leave me 2' 6" to get behind the tank for maint. as the room is about 11' 2" deep. The plumbing will go under the stairs to outside in my garage where the sump, refuge and other devices will be on a rack.

Oh, and before anyone talks crap, yes I am a Raiders fan and you should feel sorry for me, not rub it in!!






This is the way underneath the stairs where my plumbing will land. I want everything super quiet and out of the way as I can get it.

This is the wall in my garage that the sump and refuge etc. will be on the other side of the stairs that come from the upper living area.


I will probably start tearing this stuff down in the next week or so and start building my stand. I am still waiting for my hero to even notice this thread exsists. No, not Bill and Reefzilla, I know he would consider this a sump, if that, but Sanjay. Please input on lighting guys, it is now my biggest worry, not the flow like last month. I will still be purchasing ballasts and bulbs and need to know what everyone thinks would be best served to a tank 30" deep with the Luminarcs.

If anyone has any suggestions at this point or input, please give em up!! I will post drawings of the tank to be soon.

Alrighty then! Moving right along on my project.

So far I have tore down the existing office and expanded my living quarters by ALOT. This was my goal and of course gaining, in the process alot of room for my new 450g tank. Here I am tearing down the existing wall and ripping up the carpet so I can build the stand on the concrete.





Tearing this wall down added 5 feet of living space to my den and I will have three feet behind the tank itself to work on plumbing and anything else I need to do. So now instead of a long thin room, I have a room that is 17 feet wide instead of 12.

Here I am starting on the tank stand using 2x4s,liquid nails, and screws with alot of worry that I am building it correctly to withstand the weight. I could not justify to myself going with steel because of the almost quadrupled cost.



I continued with the framing and bought a nice piece of 3/4" plywood that will work great for the bar in front. With the tank being 36" deep and 8 feet long, I could use the whole sheet and leave the extra 12" overhang for the bar infront of the tank.



As you can see, this tank will be fairly large and I am super excited to be getting closer!


Here is the leg work of the stand, does this look sturdy enough to hold a 450 gallon? I certainly hope so!


I bought a 24" door for entry behind the tank and it works well I think, it opens AND closes . . go figure.





I am also putting can lights, as seen above, right above the bar on a dimmer.

I have acquired 1 of the two OM 4ways version 3, 3 blueline electronice ballasts and and going to use 3 15k XMs. I fired these bulbs off and really like the look. I also have purchased the Lumin reflectors and am excited to see this over water. I have the Aquacontroller III and the extra probes and a DC8, I really hope this isn't to tough to program and will be as good as people have described.

I also have three darts with two of them going on the OM 4ways and hope this is enough current, anyone have a guess if this will be enough, of course in conjunction with my sump return?

The tank is ordered from Scott at ASD and he said it should be done mid next month. I have nothing but great things to say about him and his company thus far, the guy is extremely personable and patient.

Any input thus far would be appreciated!!
HERE is the information on the lamp ballast combo. I was also going to add at least 4 - 4' T5 lights via a 660 icecap. Wouldn't this be good enough for what I want? Maybe I am not reading his information correctly on my lamps. . .

Our thread of a tank identical in size to this one is here:


That football I see better be signed by Bo Jackson!

PPS: Do people in Kansas City actually know you're a raiders fan? I imagine an angry mob chasing you out of town haha.


Yeah, nice eyes there, but alas, no Bo Jackson autos. I have the whole team on that peticular football the year Jon Gruden went to the dance and lost :(

Anyhow, heres my goods so far.





Now, my questions so far would be is:

1) Does anyone see a problem in my stand for strength?

2) Does anyone see a problem with my lighting? I figure the 3 lumens with 400w per and 4-4' T5 should grow sps rather well . .?

3) Any suggestions or anything I may have not seen so far? I enjoy feedback, I don't like acting like I know it all . . that is for my teenager to do!

By the way, that is my friend Kent in the shots, I am better looking ;)

One day I should program the camera for the proper date or turn off the date stamp
Item #1: I would put a king-post under the ends of your cross-braces, so you are not relying on the screws/nails for sructural support.