5 gallon tank pics.....


New member
I would love to see some pics of everybody 5 gallon tanks. I am going to start one soon. Wondering suggestions on lights and filters. Post your tanks!!!
old 5

new 5
36watt coralife pc's. In the new tank, I ripped the stock 18 watt out and retro'd the coralife into the hood.
Here's an older pic of my 5.5g. I've since added several mushrooms, a teeny yellow polyp frag and some zoanthids to the left side. I'm using an 80W 'Satellite' PC fixture and two small HOB filters (Aqua-Tech 5-15 & Aquaclear 30). The PH and macro on the left side of the picture are gone now. The tank is fishless with a few snails, hermits and a 1" cherry-red mantis shrimp I found in my 30g.

it's a mixture of live sand from my 60 and tahitian moon black sand. I'm really happy with the way it turned out. In fact, I set my pony tank up the same way.
cool tanks everyone, orangekoi looking good for only 1 month old, you should get a pic with the lights on and no flash though it hink it would show alot more.