5 months Prodibio results

Marcello Salles

New member
Hi guys

my system its a 900 liters SPS tank.
My major concern was the 1 Nitrate and 0.5 Phosphates (Salifert). Obviously these are low values but i would like to see they running even lower, so i decide to give a chance to Prodibio products.

In the first 4 weeks i add, 2 Biodigest and 4 Bioptim and the levels went down to: 0.5 Nitrate and 0.2 Phosphate.

I keep the dose and on the end of the second month the Nitrate gets 0.2 and Phosphates ZERO. I am sure that a few more weeks and NO3 will be ZERO too. The probem its that i have more than 40 fishes feeded 3 times a day.

The labels says 15 days, but there is no problem to add baceria and their food weekly.

After reaching these low levels i start to "feed" the corals with the other products Reef Booster, Stronti+ and Iodi+ and other good things happened. Strong colors and healthy looking corals.

I think that Prodibio deserves credit of being a good product and used at correct doses will contribute to reduce nutrients in aquariums promoting overall improvement of the system.

There is NO fast changes like Zeo or negative effects like Vodka.
But nothing happens too fast also, WE MUST wait to see the results. 3 to 4 months will show you the way you are going with it, specially at the NO3 and PO4 levels.

Altough i got better colors I dont discuss the benefits on the SPS colors because there is a lot of things involved in this process: water movement, lighting, use of carbon, U.V., etc ...

I dont wanna encourage people saying: use Prodibio and your SPS corals will get better colors !!
But i can tell you that for sure your nutrients will go down. If the colors are not OK after the nutrients getting down the aquarist must have a problem with wrong set up for SPS requirements.

I think that a good advice its to start dosing Reef Booster only after you see a great reducing at the nutrients levels. Reef Booster its a very concentrate amino and fatty acids and the system must have enough corals to get benefits of the fatty acids and aminoacids of Reef Booster.

best rgds

Marcello Salles
Rio de Janeiro
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Re: 5 months Prodibio results

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7808301#post7808301 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Marcello Salles
Hi guys

my system its a 900 liters SPS tank.
My major concern was the 1 Nitrate and 0.5 Phosphates (Salifert). Obviously these are low values but i would like to see they running even lower,

.5 is very high phosphate level. That will brown out corals and even supress growth. On the Salifert it should show 0 and maybe with a slight problem show .03 since it is a good test brand but there are even more sensitive test kits out there but they cost almost 100 bucks (US).

I'm not familiar with the Prodibio system and it may very well help with reduction of phosphates. If not, and if it is allowed with it run a GFO based phosphate remover too.

That said, Let's see some pics!!

Re: 5 months Prodibio results

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7808301#post7808301 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Marcello Salles
There is NO fast changes like Zeo or negative effects like Vodka.
But nothing happens too fast also, WE MUST wait to see the results. 3 to 4 months will show you the way you are going with it, specially at the NO3 and PO4 levels.

First off just because you use Zeo doesnt mean your going to have FAST changes...you must use it correctly and start slow just like everything else.
Yeah careful not to say anything bad about Zeo stuff. Zeo users are really fanatical about it and this will turn into another Zeo warzone.
Hey guys.

I've been using Prodibio as well in the past 4 months. I use biodigest and reefbooster twice a month and I use bioptim once a week.
I can definitely speak for Marcello and say that I also had some phosphate issues before using Prodibio. I had a phosphate level of 0.03 and after the usage it's gone to zero. I feed the tank pretty heavily and always feared that next time I measure PO4, the level may not be zero, but it always is zero. Nitrates have always been zero as well.

So far I've only noticed positive effects from it and will continue to use it.

MARCELLO - question for you. Where do you store your Prodibio? I have mine in my refrigerator. I figured it'll survive there better.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7811415#post7811415 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Eric Boerner
Yeah careful not to say anything bad about Zeo stuff. Zeo users are really fanatical about it and this will turn into another Zeo warzone.

I dont consider myself fanatical about anything in life, however I do not want people to get the idea that if they use zeo that all the sudden you have instantly low nutrients and massive change. Not to say this doesnt often happen to the detriment of the tank, but this is the users fault for not following the outlined directions and doing too much too fast. The same thing can happen if you were to add too much carbon and run it too aggressively if you have never used it....Follow the directions and all is well.
Would you consider yourselves Zeologists?
Or.. belonging to the church or Zeo?

Ita all in jest. Im sure you all understand right? :)

[Backs away slowly from the pitchforks and torches]
[Backs away slowly from the pitchforks and torches]

That said, has anyone had success with Probio in a bb or starboard tank? All the nice looking tanks that use it succesfully seem to be DSB / Sand tanks that give the bacteria more room to colonize....

correction on my usage of the product. I use Bioptim and Biodigest twice a month and reefbooster weekly.

Mine's a DSB tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7811415#post7811415 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Eric Boerner
Yeah careful not to say anything bad about Zeo stuff. Zeo users are really fanatical about it and this will turn into another Zeo warzone.

ZEO WARS III: Revenge of the zeolith ;)
Hi guys

Zeo fans, sorry ... i dont wanna talk anything bad about Zeo, i saw a lot of Zeo tanks at Interzoo 2006 and like the results.

But at the stand of Zeo the sales guys was telling the customers that some cautions are needed. If the tank has a reading phosphate, this should be first driven zero with a phos absorb, and some other points that deserves special attention..
Its a great system, produces great results but needs more care on the start and probably more time to understand it and learn what and how to use it.

But i am thinking to set up a Zeo tank also to compare the results.

The only thing that i want to say about Prodibio its that you can start without any fear. There is no threat to the tank.
But it will take more time to produce results than Zeo, it takes more time to create a "new" strain of Prodibio bacteria and time to let them grow accordingly to your system. But when this process is finished you will only continue to drop the ampoules weekly and enjoy it.

I am taking pictures and will post when available.

Take care,
