50 Cube SPS Zeo Reef

Just some reference pics of some of the acro's for growth and colour :)

It wouldn't be an update without some zoa pics!

I have some amazingly excellent news :D

I decided today while I was going through my water change procedure that I was really comfortable with how everyone was interacting with lovely little Hawkette through the container, so to the immensely epic music of the fight scene between Darth Maul and Qui-Gon (Duel of the Fates) (my brother's idea lol) I opened the side door of the container so that she could get out in her own time :)

Aannndd.. the best thing happened!! She swam over to sit on the magnet cleaner and as soon as Hawk Hawkins noticed he was right over there, no aggression AT ALL :D so the first 30 seconds of their lives in the same tank was spent interacting, plenty of brushing against each other and she fell straight into a subordinate position as Hawk Hawkins is twice her size and didn't even need to do anything to establish dominance :)

They're spending a bit of time now (been in the tank about an hour) sitting together and cosying up to each other and perching together. Hawk Hawkins seems happier too just in general now that there's a female with him not that he was ever an unhappy fish :p

She's happily doing her own thing in the tank but likes to swim up to him or be able to see him so far. I'm really hoping this means nothing but good things!!

Here's some terrible phone pics of them together on the magnet cleaner :)

I love the color of your clam where do I find one?:beer:

Not sure but that beauty took me 18 months to find so you have to look near and far :hmm4: lol she's an absolute stunner though and is loving life in the tank :) She got moved up a little today so hopefully it means a little more colour again! :)
So yesterday was a MASSIVE tank day for me! I started working at 10am and finished at 4:20pm! 6 hours with a half hour break for lunch haha I got a HEAP done though!
- I fragged all the zoa's that were left in the tub and put them in the tank ~30-40 frags cluttering my sandbed that I just got the acro's off :p
- Water change, vacuumed the sandbed completely as it needed a good clean so it's looking nice and white again. Hopefully some more colours will start to come out now that things are settling and the sandbed is starting to get colonized :)

However the most intense and nerve racking part of the day was moving clam clam, my big T. maxima across! Due to being in a tub for so long I took extra time with the acclimatisation, went with 2 hours instead of the usual 1. The good news is clam clam is okay :) not great but okay in the tank. I was really really worried last night as she was gaping and that pretty much signifies death for a clam but she's back to normal again this morning :) Still not really responding to light changes very much which isn't a great sign but I'm hoping with a stable and healthy environment she'll toughen up over the next few weeks!

Also getting my rasta zoa's and blue hornets today! :D
Mey mate, i got tired just reading what you did lol. Everything's looking good, how's that clam going that was a bit grumpy after the move.

Also getting my rasta zoa's and blue hornets today! :D

Do you collect bugs or something.......... can you try to keep things reef related please mate :p
Mey mate, i got tired just reading what you did lol. Everything's looking good, how's that clam going that was a bit grumpy after the move.

Do you collect bugs or something.......... can you try to keep things reef related please mate :p

haha I ramble a little with my updates don't I? :p
Clam is going really well, I'm hoping it keeps settling in the manner that it has over the last couple days :)

I have a weakness that isn't acro or clams and that's my zoa's :D
But can you blame me :crazy1:

Well I have to say my T. Maxima has responded exactly as I was hoping after life in the tub and now back into the tank with her prime spot in the tank again :D

Other than that enjoy some acro shots :) A little brown due to a bit of a drop in alk :/

Looking good mate, how low did the alk drop and where do you normally keep it.

Normally I keep it at 2.5meq/l (only have a seachem test kit at the moment :/ lol) which is 7dKH but it went down to 5.8dKH :( so everything got a little unhappy, I'm slowing working it back up to 7.5dKH now though and hopefully getting a salifert test kit once they're back in stock!

Everything else is good though:
Ca: 425ppm
PO4: 0.00ppm
K+: 390ppm
@wrangers, mate ah some of the best colours are found between
5.4 and 5.8 if you dare balance your tank on that knifes edge :-)
@wrangers, mate ah some of the best colours are found between
5.4 and 5.8 if you dare balance your tank on that knifes edge :-)

That's one heck of a thin knifes edge haha maybe a little thin for my liking with zeo lol

I'm getting a dual T5 unit to add over the sps half of the tank on top of the led's to see what that does :) Going to use an actinic and a coral+ or something to bump things up a little
Hit it with a blue plus and coral plus , forget actinic. Your Illumagic gives enough actinic spectrum. Mate it won't be long till you come over to full blown T5.
Hit it with a blue plus and coral plus , forget actinic. Your Illumagic gives enough actinic spectrum. Mate it won't be long till you come over to full blown T5.

Thanks, I'll go with those two haha it probably won't be lol I'm going to give two tubes a go, then another two down the track for 4 tubes and the illumagic lol then it might disappear but I still need some blues for those lovely little zoa's :p
What's that beaut green acro called in the last photo?

No idea lol it's a deepwater that gets full light at the top of the tank :) It was a frag from RobbieMVFC on The Reefuge and his colony is actually nothing like this colour lol it's white and blue. It's a pretty sweet little frag though
Thanks, I'll go with those two haha it probably won't be lol I'm going to give two tubes a go, then another two down the track for 4 tubes and the illumagic lol then it might disappear but I still need some blues for those lovely little zoa's :p

You will find your zoas missing those Illumagic.
My zoas don't like my T5.:deadhorse: