Really love your clowns, everything about this tank is awesome. How is the mimic filefish so far? I tried a leopard toby puffer a few weeks ago and it unfortunately didn't work, but it was worth a shot.
He's doing great. Doesnt even look at the corals.
I love my clowns too. The male is a true w/c PNG Percula. The orignal female randomly died out of the blue after years in captivity. I paired the remaining one back with a SA Full-Bar Onyx and for years I always thought about removing. It just looked silly to me to have a perfect rare wild-caught with a brain dead captive bred, but as she got bigger she grew on me. Now they spawn every few weeks.
Really love your tank! Your GSP has grown in a very interesting shape! Did you already list your corals you currently have? If you were close by I'd be buying some frags!
Amazing tank. How did you get your flame angels to pair?
^ love it where can we find such a species?
a coral list would really help out to as I can't ID them all. if you have time that would be amazing!!
thank looks great!
Great tank. Really outstanding.
How is the mimic doing with your corals? I have read that they can get nippy?
well I love this tank! hopefully mine will look as good... gonna track down one of those branching GPS. any idea how online sales them?
thanks for the updates keep em coming!
Little update,
nothing new to report, I have a misbar regal in QT i've been thinking about throwing in.