Also, not sure if I updated, but I have a clip on low profile fan (5 fans) that I am going to mount to the back of the aquarium. That should knock 2-3 degrees off the temp and keep me between , 78-82 degrees through an eventual 8 hour cycle. Still on 3 hours through the weekend where I'll jump to 4.
Also, I have about 60 snails coming in this week. Neritrs, ceriths, both big and small, and nassarius snails, to be specific.
Also (one more), I will be adding chaeto as well. Need to figure out how I'm going to light it. Leaning towards a goosneck and a 6500k LED right now.
Also (okay, yes, another), I want to purchase a small wet dry vac and do biweekly to monthly sump cleanings. This will double as a water change.
Lastly, I have a new Hanna alk reagent coming in so I can start tracking. I'm noticing some growth on a few coral and I'm sure things will start picking up shortly.
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