50g Waterbox Stock List help


Active member
Hey guys,

Thanks for the advice so far on my upgrade from a 28g jbj to a 50.3 Waterbox! All of your advice helped the process go very smoothly! My four fish, 2 clowns (1 True Percula, 1 snowflake), flame hawkfish, and a purple pseudochromis are now in the tank and seem to be very happy as of now after the stress of the move.

I know for a fact that the final fish I want to add, is a flame angel. I am well aware that they can be 50/50 with coral.

Before adding the Flame angel last, any other suggestions for another fish? I was thinking the best option would be some type of wrasse? Maybe a blenny?

Obviously I want everything compatible.

Thanks all!
I would go wrasse or goby. You dont have anything occupying the ground right now. You have an open swimmer, perch, and cave dweller. Flame angel will be in and out of rockwork
Thanks! Yes, the flame will definitely enjoy my style of rocks as well. Tried uploading a picture and it wouldn't work. Never does for me. I should of mentioned a bit more, the tank is barebottom and is a unique 3 feet long for a 50g. Not sure if gobies handle barebottom very well as they like to burrow in sand and make homes? I do love yellow watchman gobies, but I remember how much mine utilized sand. Thoughts?

Also, suggestions on wrasses that can handle 50g with that stock list? Do not know too much about wrasses, other than the six line can be extremely aggressive at times.
Personally, I would go with a wrasse OR the flame angel, but not both. But I'm generally a proponent of lighter stocking/bioloads, so...

But to your question...
Wrasses are great fish and I'll almost always recommend them. I've had a Mystery Wrasse (probably my favorite so far), a Pudding Wife Wrasse (something different), and the obligatory 6-line. All were great fish.

The Candy Hogfish would be my second choice, if not a wrasse.
Anyone else have any input on types of wrasses that could work? Or potential other fish that would be a nice add?
