510 gallon reef build


New member
So I have officially started the build of my long anticipated 510 gallon reef tank build. The tank will be made from Miracles Aquariums in Canada and should be delivered by the beginning of January. The dimensions are 130"x30"x30". So far I have taken down my 125 gallon and will start transforming it into a sump next week. Thats all I can say for now but hopefully everything goes well!
Yes I used to be and thanks. I am really anxious for everything to come together and this time I will be setting up both a fish quarantine and a coral/invert quarantine as well as dipping all incoming coral because on a build like this I do not want to have any problems in the DT as they will be very hard to correct.
nice i believe you use to be on mr right gl with the new setup sounds like a monster
Helped A.J. take out the 125 gallon today, which will be used later on for his sump.


I don't know if I mentioned this previously but it will be viewed from 3 sides. My bedroom, my brothers bedroom right on the other side of the glass, and the hallway. Of course I need to figure out some sort of 130" curtain or blinds to cover the glass when needed but that will come later on. It is going to fit right in the length of the wall so it will be perfectly aligned with a filtration room as well on the 4th side.
I bought the skimmer yesterday. Its a dual 48" MTC HSA skimmer. Not sure the exact model but I can tell it is really good already. I was testing it in the pictures but kept the water level low because I didn't want anything going in the collection cups. Although you can't see it in the picture this thing was working great in minutes. I saw a bunch of crap collecting at the surface of the bubbles. I believe it is rated for about 2,500 gallons but I'm not entirely sure.

yea thats just the pump for the injectors. The actual feed pump will be a Reeflo barracuda/hammerhead hybrid. When I actually set it up I'll see which propeller I'm going to use because I think the hammerhead will be too much but then again I can just put a valve before it goes into the skimmer
that is huge. that feed pump is big enough to run your tank
Ok well I have a question if anyone can answer this. The stand will be made out of steel, then on top of the steel comes plywood, how thick should that be? and on top of the plywood comes foam, how thick should the foam be and I am getting it from home depot so should it be the white kind or pink kind. I know the pink is much more dense.
3/4" should work for both but I'd ask the builder for their requirements as the warranty may be voided if you do not follow their guidelines.
i'm guessing you have another entrance to your home, that space looks a little tight for a 500g, or will it be built on site?
This tank won't be going into the house pictured, this is going right next door which is going to be me and my brothers bedrooms right in the basement so all we have to do is bring it right in straight and directly onto the stand next to it. It's also only 30" wide so it will go right through the door.

Also the house that this tank is going in is level to the ground so theres no stairs or anything except one stair down to get into the house but thats it.
i'm guessing you have another entrance to your home, that space looks a little tight for a 500g, or will it be built on site?
Man I still love love those monster skimmers. Im sure it will out skim any needle wheel skimmer on the market.Is that an I waki MD 70 pump for recirculation?