Yes I know I haven't posted on the thread in a while. I might actually not be building the tank right now because my parents realized how much money we are spending on the tank which would keep us stuck here in the Bronx for much longer so they are trying to find a house up in Westchester and just rent the houses in the Bronx. So I don't know if this build will actually happen but when I move I will definitely be setting something up. It will definitely not be as expensive as this one considering the money needed to put down on a house then on top of that building a huge tank but I don't want to settee for anything less than 8 feet. I am even looking into maybe building a plywood tank and make it huge considering that it most likely will be viewed only from one side, I can go as big as I possibly can with plywood as long as I keep the initial cost down. So the tank I was planning to get was $6,700 once I finally customized everything. So with plywood I'm sure I can make something the same size or even bigger for a cheaper price. But I don't know if I am ready to build a plywood tank yet so when the time comes and they pick a house I would need to see if I can fit a full glass tank or just make it out of plywood.