55 G Aquarium Tank Stand


New member
I’m looking for a really nice furniture grade aquarium stand & canopy for a 55 gallon tank I’d like to setup.

I’ve searched the local stores and have not found the quality that I’m looking for displayed.

Does anybody know some manufactures or web links of where I might find what I’m looking for, good quality furniture grade aquarium stand & canopy with good trim pieces, good quality wood, & good doors & hinges?

He is talking about FURNITURE grade stands and canopies not Pf,Oc,Aga..those manufacturers do not take the time to make reallly nice stuff and when they do they charge $$ for it.. I have a friend who has made really nice furniture for aquariums..ask to see reefey's sepelle and maple stand / canopy it is by the same guy (dewayne)...Also Leemar offers furniture that is maple or oak veneer or solid as well most of the stores dont carry it but someone like Clarks or SW reef co. should be able to special order it for you. good luck
I think that Rob from SW Reef builds stands. You might stop by there and talk to him. I saw something he was building once. Looked pretty solid.
Reefey's stand really is incredible. I'd definately try to talk to Dewayne. I thought I remember him saying he was moving out of town soon....do you remember that Reign? Maybee we could talk Reefey into posting some pics.
Yeah as soon as his daughter graduates he is moving to florida...Hey reefey if you can you should put some pics of your stand!!
hey what is all this trash talk about me behind my back. lol just joking. i had my stand and canopy custom made. the quality is worth the cost. im not sure about the pics but the reef meeting this month is going to be at my house. so i invite everyone to come. thanks again brain and eric for the kind comments also