55G Powerhead question?


New member
Hello, I have a 55G tank, and I added a Maxi-Jet 1200 powerhead to it, I was told to add 2 but I just got one for now. I have no fish or coral yet. I am planning on just getting fish to start and adding corals slowly over time, my question is, how much flow do I need? I never used a power head in my last FO tank, so im not sure, but just one 1200 seems like too much water flow. It is shooting water all the way across the tank, and half way across again after it hits the wall (if that sentance makes any sense). Will fish be able to swim in this much current? Will it stress them out? Thanks.
they will be fine. I have a MJ1200, a Seio 820, and a Mag 5 return on my 55. Lots of flow :D Once you add corals you will more than likely need more flow.
Nope, 1 MJ1200 won't be too much. FWIW, I have 2 of them in my 40g long (a short 55g basically) plus about 600 GPH coming from my sump. The fish have NO problem swimming at all.

You have less than 10x turnover rate. Some of the big BB/SPS guys have 60x turnover rate.
I have 25x turn over flow in my tank. With one 1200, which is 295gph, you have about 6x. My fish have no problem. If you want to keep corals, especially any SPS you will need more like 20-30x.
I also have an emperor 400 power filter which is 400GPH and a CSS 125 not sure the GPH but just with the extra 400 from the filter i've got ~12x. Should I count the filter as part of the turn over? Sorry im new at this stuff :)
Yes that would count towards your turn over. I would still add another power head later though. Don't be sorry. I was asking the same questions not that long ago.
So with the powerhead, filter, skimmer I've got 1194GPH which is 21x I've got it figured out :) I mostly want to start with a few polyps, would this be enough flow for them?
That would probably be enough. However, I would consider another 1200 pointing the opposite direction like tankfly and xtrstrangx were saying. Maybe one shooting at an angle towards the front glass and the other shooting across the back. For $35 it would make a big improvement in the movement in your tank. If you are using the bubble diffuser on your skimmer it basically eliminates the flow from it. I hope that helps.