55g to 125g Upgrade completed

Some updates:

I chalked up my sps pieces as losses from the move. Not sure what caused it, but they all bleached, lost tissue, color, algae already growing on them. I did pick up a few spa frags today just to see how they do. Hopefully they do good and i can begin adding more.

The metal halides are really killing my energy bill and making the tank run hot. Thinking about looking into changing to LEDs.
Some more things I forgot: got the apex all set up. Was pretty easy to set up, and I'm loving it so far.

Also did some electrical upgrades. I added 2 new GFCI outlets and put them on their own breaker. Now my whole tank is all on it's own separate breaker. The new outlets are closer to the tank, so it is making for a cleaner look.
Some more Pics










well tank has been up n running for almost 7 months now. No issues and everything going well. My question is, do you think I should add any SPS yet? I really want to pick up some frags at the swap at the end of the month, but dont want to waste money on them only to have them die. Thoughts?
Should have added, sps in my previos post didnt make it. Probably got them too early, luckily it wasnt much money.

Not sure what you mean $200 in sand?