Well I decided to post a few pics. Today will make 60 days since the upgrade. Besides a large ICH out break everything else is going great. I plan to restock the tank very soon with a few new fish. I am more than pleased with my new tank from Glass Cages and the new equipment is performing nicely. I am loving the rimlesss design, especially the access and size. Water changes are simple when you can just pour the water over the edge.
None of this would have been possible without all of the advice and help I have received from this very site. Thanks to everyone over the years and recently for the tips and help along the way.
Thanks to all of my "reefong" friends for your guidance, shoulders to cry on, and most of all the frags!!!
None of this would have been possible without all of the advice and help I have received from this very site. Thanks to everyone over the years and recently for the tips and help along the way.
Thanks to all of my "reefong" friends for your guidance, shoulders to cry on, and most of all the frags!!!