6000 and single controller


Hi Roger,
I have a quick question for you. I have a 6000 with a single controller and I was wondering it the power setting on the stream "box" is in addition to or over-ridden by the single controller. I thought I read some place that the controllers by pass the power setting by I can't find my instruction to check.

Depends, older ones are in addition which can destroy the pump so if a controller is used the driver needs to be at full power. Drivers made in the last 9 months or so have automatic override.
I bought it new in April so I assume it would be a newer one.
Never the less I do have it set at 100% and will keep it there!

Yes, I would be fairly certain their is nothing to worry about, you would know anyway as with both settings turned down the pump doesn't move, groans and clicks alot and it is fairly obvious their is a problem.