6025 Help?


Pirates Cove Reef
I have a 6025 pump I have on a 10 minute on 10 minute off cycle. The pump clicks when it turns on and sometimes does not start? I have two of these pumps on this cycle and the other is fine. The pump is about 5 months old?

Also I just purchased a Tunze Silence 792GPH pump and was wondering what the GPH output would be at 4.5 and 5' so I can set up my overflow? The diagram confuses me, Thank you!

On a side note I just purchased a I-tech 100 skimmer with your pump and it is quiet and is skimming awesome!
Fifteen minutes is the absolute minimum between off and on cycles, this is stated in the manual, the pump will click on start up. Prop pumps just don't handle off and on cycling very well. The longer you delay the off and on the better.

Flow on the 1073.040 is between 350-450 at 4.5-5ft of head.
Thank you I will change my setup tonight, so it would be better to leave them on? I was trying for a random flow.
My preferred is to run them for 30-60 minutes and if you have 2 stagger the times by 25-55 minutes so you have a 5 minute surge overlap.