6040 acting strange.


New member
i just receive 2 6040 for my 24x24x18.

one pump got a intertek 11v adapter ?
the other got a Tunze 12v adapter ?

whit the 11v adapter, in wave mode...
the pump dont pulse at a stable rhythm (what ever pump i test whit)

whit the 12v adapter, in wave mode...
the pump pulse are ok, but the controller a every ~1-2min lost current for 1 sec.

i just email my canadian online fish store to see what we gona do.
but i would like to hear what you think.

im kind of surprise that (my feeling after 3hours of test) 2 pump is probably not enough in that 24x24x18 tank.

at the same time, i see image of the product whit a stamp 12-24v on it...
the 12v adapter are stock or its a error ?

thank in advance.
ps: im french speaking, hope that i not sound to strange :spin3:
The 6040 should not get more than 12V. The earlier pumps had a 11V adapter, we recently switched to 12V for the Osmolators and 6040 which share the same power supply. I have already seen the discussion on this between the factory and Tunze Canada and they will be sending you a 12V adapter which should resolve the issue, it will be the 6055.240 set to 12V. We assume that the voltage input is a little lower than the presumed 127V for normal operation, therefore the output is lower, maybe 10.5 and 11.5 respectively, so with 12V it works a little better. The 6055.240 set to 12V is more robust and can compensate a little better, with input of 100-130V it automatically corrects the output to 12-13V with no issues.
ok so whit a "real stable 12v adapter" (witch they will probably send me),
the pump should not "blink" no more in wave mode.
good to know.

*Have you heard comment or result of test done in a tank 24x24.
did they recommend 2 pump for that kind of tank ?
(let's say for doing a ~1inch wave )

i estimate that if my old RW8 "clean" at 50% power, was doing the job alone
that 2x 6040 at ~100% will be enough.

but i have a doubt now.

thank !!
Wave height is largely a function of tank length, so a higher, slower more natural wave is really only possible in a long tank. The wave will be fast and short, but I would use the way shown in the manual with the pump aimed straight up and inverse mode and I would imagine you can get a fairly high wave, possible 1" but it will be very fast.
thank for your help.

when you said "inverse" your a talking about....
when the two controler are linked ?

i received the 6055.240
the pump work better and keep the rhythm. rock on!

i even be able to have a bouncing wave whit just 1 pump.
i am pretty surprise of the power that those little thing can give.
whit two of those instal like you said, 40% is more then enough* . :cool:

unfortunately, one of the two pump stil acting strange.
it randomly stop, could take 2min. 30min. 1 hour, what ever... but whem it stop, each time it's for 30sec.

the controller is acting like the pump is still going.
i test it alone, linked as master, as slave...same story eatch time, at some point the pump take a 30sec break.

which i think can have something to do whit the "fish safety" thing ?
the pump is install straight up whit nothing near to "interfered" whit the impeller.
at each pulse i ear a "little toc" could be the impeller knocking on the case...
i don't know, but the other pump don't do that sound.

thank for your input !
This pump has a lot of safeties to protect the pump and the fish/inverts. It will shut off if it detects any obstruction, this could be very small, a piece of sand or gravel if it is in the right place to create enough friction/resistance. I might first try removing the propeller and rinsing everything, if this does not solve it try the propeller from the other pump, maybe one fits too tight. If the propeller is just a little too tight, usually about 1-2 weeks of operation at full power will wear the parts enough that it is solved, but if not a replacement propeller can be sent.
i wash and rinse everything, switch the impeller.
same pump same story.

finally they will ship me a new one.

thank for your help in that story.
my LFS don't give me that kind of info. (and probably don't have it)

do you know why they don't sell the 6040 already whit the 6055.240 ?
higher cost and not enough house whit low volt input ?

cia !
The 6055.240 power supply is more expensive and not needed in general because the 6055.240 can put out multiple voltages and we only need 12V constant. These issues are usually limited to older houses and latin america or Japan where voltage is lower.
hello, 8 years later ! (love them)
unfortunately, i lost the "shaft" of one of the 6040.
do the impeller come whit the shaft ? 🤔🫣


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The shaft is intended to be a permanent motor part, it should not come out and it is not offered as a spare part, typically the only way they come out is if the drive unit fused to the shaft by calcium build up, over time the heat generated can dislodge the shaft. This would be repaired by replacement of motor block 6040.100