6040 Minimum Input Intensity


New member
What is the minimum input intensity that is possible on the 6040? I've read that it is controllable from 200 to 4500l/h (53 to 1188 USgal./h) Therefore, if my understanding is correct, then is it controllable down to ~5% intensity.

Just wanted to make sure because my 6055s can only be controlled at 0%, then 30-100%. Will my 7095 controller output a signal between 1-29%?

The 6040 includes its own controller and while that can be bypassed and a 7095 used, the 6040's controller allows the speed to be turned down further, it has a range of 20-100%. The flow seems very low at 20%, so while 53 gph may be correct, the percentages are a reduction of speed rather than a reduction of flow and that is not quite linear, below a certain speed the flow drops sharply. It could also be a typo and I would need to confirm, however, I would be hardpressed to imagine even the smallest nano not being able to handle the 6040 at the lowest speed.
Thanks for the reply Roger.

So with the 6040 controller I'll be able to go as low as 20%. With the 7095, I'll be able to go as low as 30% (but that doesn't equate with 30% of the maximum flow rate because the voltage to flow rate is non-linear).
I ended up hooking it up to my Apex so I could squeeze that additional lower 10% that my 7095 couldn't give me. It appears it will not accept an external input intensity below 3V. Below 3V it will turn off. So with the built in control you can get down to 20%, but honestly I can see any difference between 20% and 30% when using the included controller.

With that being said, I'm not sure if the documented 53 gal/hr is accurate at min. input intensity using the included controller.

Never though I'd have a standing wave in my 4 gal nano and I love it! Finally a small, affordable, controllable nano pump!
When the factory reopens I will try to get an answer on the flow volume and how that was determined and at what setting.