Wondering if anyone else has had this issue. I have a 6055 that is around 20 months old. When I first got it (along with a 2nd) I could not pulse either of them from 0% power without it "clicking" every time it spun up. Had to keep them at 30% min to avoid the maddening noise (they are on an aquasurf) Roger hooked me up with the graphite discs and redesigned propellers which made them dead silent (YAY). Eventually got a good 1"+ wave going in my tank running 2 of the 6055's against a 6105 (6' tank)
Now, I maintain the pumps every few months and the last time I put them back in, I noticed one of the 6055's clicking again - but not all the time
I disassembled, reassembled, checked the little graphite washer, even tried one of the old props (that clicked every time) so I'm at a bit of a loss - The 2 6055's run off of the same port on the aquasurf so I had to change the power from 0% to 30% to keep from going mad.
I'm not sure if I somehow have exceeded the duty cycle of the prop (It pulses 0-100 every 1.1 seconds for 12 hours and then 0-70% for the next 12) If so...I imagine I can just get new guts and fix the issues or should I not be pulsing the 6055's?
Also, is the aquasurf driving the Tunzes properly, or is there a functional difference between it and the actual Tunze controller?
Sorry bout the lengthy post - I'm just scratching my head on this one.
Now, I maintain the pumps every few months and the last time I put them back in, I noticed one of the 6055's clicking again - but not all the time

I'm not sure if I somehow have exceeded the duty cycle of the prop (It pulses 0-100 every 1.1 seconds for 12 hours and then 0-70% for the next 12) If so...I imagine I can just get new guts and fix the issues or should I not be pulsing the 6055's?
Also, is the aquasurf driving the Tunzes properly, or is there a functional difference between it and the actual Tunze controller?
Sorry bout the lengthy post - I'm just scratching my head on this one.