6055 on controller whines with speed change

Any thing I can check/clean to reduce this noise?

I bought this used.

I has a vortech and sold it due to the noise it made with alternating speeds.

My guess would be that salt and calcium crust in the pump is the cause. I would remove the prop assembly and soak it and the motor in 50/50 vinegar/warm water for 6-8 hrs.
I have taken apart the unit, but I cant identify a disc for drive unit.

Is this something that easily comes out or is it seated (press fit) into the rear of the drive unit?

Typically this part shouldn't be removed, if it ever wears out a new one is just stacked on top. They can be up to 2 high without any issues. The key part to clean is the hole in the middle of the drive unit and the metal shaft itself, which should never be removed and must be cleaned inside the pump.
Found out what makes the pump noisey.

orginal owner did not install bumpers on 4 corners of magnets.

I placed silicone pad over whole thing and much quieter
The motor sounds like a pager on vibrate on speeds greater than 50%.

I have taken out the prop assembly and just listen to the motor at those variable speeds 30% to 100%. It makes a slight whine, but really as it gears down from high to low speed. This is a different sound than the pager vibration.

The prop assembly seems to have a inner and outer sleeve that have some play.

Any recs on cleaning the hole of the prop assembly, any off shelf items you can recommend?

The only parts are the motor which includes the metal shaft and should never be removed, it should not come out. There should be no play in the prop assembly, in addition to the prop assembly is a disk that goes under the motor.

The best off the shelf cleaning tool are pipe cleaners, you can get them at any tobacco shop or arts and crafts store. Our 0220.700 cleaning kit includes a 1/8" brush for this purpose and they are on sale for $39.99
I just upgraded to 2, 6105's and sold that nanostream.

FWIW, I cleaned that pump once a month in vinegar, pipe cleaners, etc. It was in mint condition. I never took out the shaft. I used a toothbrush for props and used a new pipe cleaner for inside hole.

Unfortunately Roger, those silicone bumps were deformed when I received them with the pump (yes, I've done that a few times before) as the sticky part peeled away, so you you send him a pack? If it's too late for warranty, I'll be happy to pay for them.
That is fine, but it may not fix the whining noise, do you remember the date you bought the pump and has any upgrades been done since.
FWIW, It did not make any noticble noise on my tank. no upgrades.

I purchased it on 09/11/2009, and I still have receit.
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It looks like the white plastic prop is now a dull brown/gray. It is soft and comes off the prop assemble. I can only assume soaking in full strength vinager for extend periods weakens the plastic.

I have ordered a new pump and will be selling this one with the under standing it needs the a new prop assemble and those plastic anti-vibration pads.