6055 slave placement with Nano Wavebox

Bud Reeferman

New member
I run a Nano Wavebox on a 30" deep, 150g tank pointing across the length of the tank. I can get about a 1/2" wave.

I'm thinking of adding a 6055 for a little boost.

Do I put the 6055 on the same side as the Wavebox pointing in the same direction?

Can I adjust the controller so I can put the 6055 on the opposite wall pointing in the opposite direction?

In terms of placement depth of the 6055, would it make any difference if I placed it deeper in the tank than the (shallow) Wavebox?
I would try both, it is set from the factory in synchron, which is both on the same side. You can open the controller and set the jumper to inverse, it is a jumper just like on old hard drives where you had to set master, slave, primary, secondary, etc. Inverse is one on each side. I think deeper would be more effective but you would just have to try various options.