6060 that has stopped


Premium Member
Hi Roger,

I have a 6060 that I purchased at the end of January that has stopped running. It's in a bare bottom reef tank behind the rock work to blow detritus down to one end of the tank. It's on constantly, no wavemaker or anything like that. Ca levels run between 400 - 450 ppm. I looked at all of the openings in the case and they are clear and open. The rotor had a light layer of deposits, so I soaked everything in vinegar overnight. It cleaned up nicely, but nothing seems to help. When I plug it in, there is no vibration or humming.

Is there anything else I should try here or do I need to send this in to you for service?

Send it in.

Tunze USA
1304 Monica St
Austin TX 78758

Recently we have had two packages the post office has apparently lost, I strongly advise against using the mail service. UPS is a good value and more reliable. I am not responsible for items that don't arrive.